A Lot to lose: Hi all, I am just about... - Weight Loss Support

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A Lot to lose

Flower16 profile image
7 Replies

Hi all, I am just about to start my weightloss journey. I have been advised by the BMI counter I need to lose 9st 12lbs boy that was a shock to the system. Well here goes no time like the present. I know it will be hard for me but I am determined to do it. Having arthritis and feeling unhealthy and too fat...yes fat for far too long is taking it's toll so I have to do something. I have the support of my husband and although he won't join me right now I hope he will when he sees what results I will be getting...hopefully. Feeling posotive.

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Flower16 profile image
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7 Replies
sueper profile image

Hi Flower. I have lost 4 stone and still have about 9.5 stones to go. There are a few people here with a lot to lose and even more who will provide you with great advice, inspiration and support!

When you have a lot to lose you need to take it slow and steady as it will be a long journey but just take each day & lb at a time. I suggest making small changes you can maintain for life. Portion control is a major factor for many here so maybe look at ways to reduce this.

I save £1 in a jar for every lb I lose and I am saving the money towards a lovely (much smaller) leather jacket.

Good luck :)

I only had about 2 stone to lose, which may not seem so much, but I was still really shocked to realise how overweight I'd become. That feeling is what gets us started, but then you need to find how to keep yourself motivated throughout the process. I found it good to just introduce small changes, one thing at a time. That way you find out what works for you (as well as what doesn't). Also, having intermediate goals is a good idea, e.g. plan a way to celebrate each stone. Really good that you have the support of your husband. Wishing you lots of luck for your journey :)

Portlandprincess profile image

Hello flower, welcome. You've made a tremendous decision and we're here to support and be your cheer leaders. Post and reply to posts...it keeps you on your toes and focussed....and good luck! Looking forward to hear about your week 😉

Tinytears2000 profile image

Hi Flower I am just new too and am about to start losing weight I have a lot to loss too - but hay we can do this.

andrewleeone profile image

Hi Flower! Welcome to the future! This is a brilliant community and you'll get loads of support here.

Every time you have a question post it here.

Any time you have a wobble post about hit here - preferably before the wobble hits!

Any this you doubt you can do it post here.

Any this you need some practical help post here.

You've done something really smart and this is just the beginning. Have you got some before pictures? You might not want them now but in a few weeks your going to kick yourself if you haven't.

Have you downloaded the NHS 12 week plan. Its simple calorie counting which teaches us all about healthy eating - cut the calories and don't feel deprived or hungry.

Work out what level of calories will start to give you a regular weekly weight loss. I'm 6'2" and I aim for 1500 a day which I hit most days.

The best advice I can give is to look at this as a major personal change and development program. You are going to learn loads about food, nutrition, the food industry, exercise yes, exercise, saving money on food, how your mind works and doesn't work for you and what to do about it.

Aim to lose a pound or two a week and then repeat until you are at your target weight. Give yourself a load of little easy to reach targets to get to every week.

2 Lbs a week is 69 weeks. Thats January 2017. Now that might seem impossible but if you think of it in terms of 2 lbs by next Sunday, then that feels a lot more possible. Do that every week and you'll get there. I'm doing my second set of 12 weeks and I've really surprised myself I thought that getting to a healthy BMI was a daft idea, well its only guidance, its only a suggestion but having lost so much on the 12 week plan I'm going for it. I've been overweight for the vast majority of my life - as a child, teenager and as an adult. If I can do it anyone can.

See you around!

Flossie1920 profile image

Well at least you have started - this site is massively HELPFUL, SUPPORTING and ENSPIRING... you won't find anyone commenting on how badly you've done at any time so my advice would be for you to use it as a support at first, you will soon come to realize that there is nothing but help on all fronts here and lovely people.

Wishing you luck.....it's not easy but you have taken the first step and it will get easier..

Mary xx

Andyt2120 profile image

Hello Flower,

When I started almost 15 months ago the BMI calculator said I had 8 stones to lose before I got to a healthy BMI. I laughed at this and thought it was impossible.

Well here I am now with just 1/2 pound to go and will still lose some more, I know I will.

I sat off thinking I would change my lifestyle and eating habits for life but had deep down thoughts that I would never be capable of doing this. What I found out was that I am capable of this and believe that I have now changed my outlook on diet for life.

My first move was to cut portion size by at least half and to cut out all the obviously fattening foods, chips, cakes, biscuits, crisps etc out of my diet. I replaced these with healthy veg, salad, soups, lean chicken and fish. I cut down massively on carbs and now only eat bread on rare occasions and tend to get my carbs from porridge, from giant rolled oats made with water. I add sweetness by using Splenda or supermarkets own brand substitute. I also put in some Total make 0% fat yoghurt to make them creamy. Makes a good filling breakfast but again portion control I have 40g of dry oats.

With regards to your husband be clear from the start that if he doesn't want the healthy options then you have the option of separate meals. I had to do this with my partner for the first few months but now she eats the same evening meals as I do and she loves them. She will tend to have a bigger breakfast and lunch than I do.

I try not to have much for lunch and often just have an apple. If I get a little hungry I may have a snack of a small portion of raw nuts ot another piece of fruit.

Most of my evening meals are stirs fries. Plenty of fresh veg with salmon or chicken. You can add flavour my using some Asian sauces such as soy, oyster sauce, black bean sauce etc. I will also have cooked chicken or fish with raw spinach or salad.

I do dot eat any processed foods as these can often contain added sugar and trans fats. Avoid processed sugar like the plague and don't drink alcohol.

Try and cook everything from fresh. I don't get too hung up on a moderate amount of fats and fry all my food in coconut oil. I haven't grilled anything since I started.

The above is just how I do it. Portion size, avoid bad foods and eat good foods. Many people of here do it differently and have great success counting calories. I suppose the calorie approach is less restrictive as you can have bad foods if you keep within your limits but I don't know enough about this way of doing it.

I weigh myself,on a daily basis which allows me to control my diet day to day. If I have a bit of a pig out one day the scales will show this then I just go a little stricter for the next couple of days till its gone again. Others on here will say this is the worst thing to do and it may be for them but for me, it works.

As you can see there are many different ways to lose weight and you have to see what works best for you. I have tweaked my food intake and exercise several times since I started.

Nearly 10'stones to,lose is a huge target. I have always given myself little and sustainable targets such as losing a stone or even half a stone or to get into the next stone down I.e. 14 stone something instead of 15 stone something.

I suppose my first big target was to get out of the obese range and that took me nearly 10 months. There is no magic solution. It is hard at times and takes a great deal of self discipline and determination. It is not a race. I have lost weight at an average loss of 1.7 lbs a week.

Good luck Flower, change your life and you will feel so much better and healthier.

I hope this has given you a few ideas but others on this site have lots of good ideas and advice also, so keep posting and asking anything you want.

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