A Fresh Day: There is a wonderful cool... - Weight Loss Support

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A Fresh Day

7 Replies

There is a wonderful cool breeze to the day and taking the dog for his morning constitutional has certainly helped restore my mood and thoughts to a sunnier outlook. We set off at 6 am as I couldn't sleep last night. I am, unfortunately, one of those people that runs things through their mind over and over , it stems from a mentally abusive father and having to justify everything you did or believed. It is a very difficult thing to break and I have battled my whole life to always be on top of it. PLEASE DON'T FEEL SORRY FOR ME, it is what it is ( was what it was). I know my demons and am learning not to use food as a crutch. Before I started this journey six weeks ago, the dog would have been sat next to me on the sofa getting bits of the junk I was eating instead of rooting through undergrowth and speeding along tracks having the time of his life. We stayed out for 2 hours today and I didn't stop walking to look around me for well over an hour. Alfie seemed to sense my despondence as he kept running back to nuzzle and lick my hand before scenting something in the air that needed investigating. I think he was relieved when I finally picked up a small branch and threw it for him, all was well in his world again.

Back home I fed the dog then fed myself. I had a lovely big plate of sauteed mushrooms and an egg. Also a side dish of raspberries and watermelon. I like fruit and tend to have it at breakfast, rarely any other time of the day. I go by the 'rainbow' and try and include as many different types of fruit and veg in my day, but fruit makes up 2 portions maximum and the other portions are veg, usually 6-7 portions. Leisurely breakfasts are sporadic due to working long nightshifts and I do look forward to those 1 or 2 mornings when I can luxuriate in the feast of all my senses, not just taste.

I keep a journal, always have, and writing on here is like keeping a journal. It is cathartic for me. I try to look at what is positive in my life rather than what isn't, but being human, I sometimes fail. I have been through many horrific things and bear scars both mentally and pyhsically, but I try and compartmentalise them in the past. You can't change what has gone before, but you can change how you let it affect your present and future.

Gosh, heavy stuff!!! People, if it's sunny where you are on this wonderful planet of ours, take a minute to breathe in the air. If it's raining, put a brolly up, and smell how fresh a downpour makes our enviroment. Whatever the weather I wish you all a happy, healthy day. xx

7 Replies

My day started a little less poetically, cycling through grey smelly London in horrible penetrating drizzle. But this is the new Ruth now who goes out on her bike even in the rain, with healthy packed lunch stowed in her rucksack. So it wasn't as grim as it sounds, in fact felt pretty good! Is your dog on a health drive too now? More walks and fewer unhealthy hand me downs from the couch? My bike is definitely getting better treatment. It gets washed more frequently, tyre pressures checked and thorough oiling on the chain. All good cathartic stuff. Hope you have an excellent day today and sleep better tonight :)

in reply to

The dog has never needed a health kick lol, he is a proper little live wire rocketing around at top speed. The rain hit my little part of the world late this morning, but like you, it didn't stop me. Ashamedly my bike is where it was left 5 years ago - in the garage. May dust it off and check it over. You have got the bit between your teeth well and truly, fab!! Hope your day gets sunnier weather ways and you have a super day 😊

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fussybird in reply to

I started hanging washing out at 5:30 this morning, then felt the drizzle appear in the breeze. I unusually had a pub lunch with an old work colleague today, we both work from home now, so it was nice to have some interaction during the day. This evening hubby and I went for a brisk walk along the beach, the zig zag back to the car is the killer, heart rate up to 168bpm. This is the walk we love, we talk, no mobiles, kids, tv, work, etc and the sea is always calming. The bonus is a 40 minute walk once or twice a day along with sensible eating will see the weight come off that we have gained over the last year xx

in reply to fussybird

It's amazing how just putting one foot in front of the other can make you feel, whether your thing is walking, running or a bit of both. Combining that with a bit of lone couple time is so wonderful. Free things are usually the best, Ruth has definately inspired me to dust off my bike ( or possibly guilt tripped me, hehe) and the basket which I bought when the dog was just 8 weeks old for him to ride in ( the dog is now 6 and has not sat in said basket since he was about 5 month old). Totally envious of your sea walks Fussybird 😊

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fussybird in reply to

my bike also needs an outing. I treated myself to a super road bike when I got divorced 5 years ago, but have only been out on it a few times. I am a scaredy cat with the traffic tho, and my OH rides in the traffic without an ounce of fear. I will pledge to get out for a ride this week though, if you do too? xx

in reply to fussybird

Deal! I finished work at 11am this morning and have tomorrow off too. So this afternoon I will haul out the bike and prep it, if all is honkydory I will have a quick whizz round the village today then have a longer ride tomorrow. 😉😊

in reply to fussybird

If you're scared of traffic it's not something to get over, but deal with head on. Practice cycling slowly while checking over your right shoulder to see what's behind you. If you can learn how to do this without swerving from your straight line, then this becomes a useful skill. If you feel scared while cycling, then just pull to the side, check what's behind you, let any traffic go past, then continue. I cycle with my bf who is much less confident with traffic than me, we have a code of ringing the bell to ask the other one to stop/slow down. That way neither of us gets left behind or feels pressured to go faster than they're comfortable to. Also if you don't have hi-vis safety gear, just wearing light colours is good. Hope you both enjoy your rides and stay safe :)

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