Did anyone conceive with this
Metformin : Did anyone conceive with this - PCOS UK (Verity)

Hi, my friend was diagnosed at 14 with PCOS and was straight away given metaformin she conceive her first child at the age of 23 & then conceive her second at 27 she has all the symptoms that go with PCOS and is a big girl. Where as for me I have been on metaformin for 12 years and never conceive, but I don’t ovulate so am needing more help
Hi there - yes, I did. I have PCOS and put myself on a very healthy diet and exercise regime. I conceived two months after starting metformin and now have a very healthy happy 2 year old! Good luck.
Metformin, along with some herbal supplements helped my cycles regulate to around 34 days (they were completely irregular or absent before then) they still varied from between 34-42 days, but I began ovulating and conceived my daughter. The supplement I used was myo-inositol, it’s worth doing some research on it as it apparently has similar benefits to metformin for those with PCOS.
Hi I'm looking into starting myo inositol too. I am already on metformin 3 times a day. What dosage did you take of both?
I was on the lowest dose of metformin (500mg per day). I took 4g of Myo-inositol per day and consulted my doctor before doing so.
I strongly recommend speaking to your doctor before taking the myo-inositol alongside your metformin as it may have side-effects/stop the metformin from working as it should.
Is metaformin only prescribed if you are interested in concieving? I've only just been diagnosed with PCOS had symptoms for 3 years and took a year to be diagnosed! My doctor has just advised me to go on a contraceptive pill to encourage bleeds, is metaformin an option?
It seems the conventional treatment for PCOS would be the contraceptive pill in order to keep cycles regular and induce bleeds. Metformin helps to regulate your insulin production (it's a diabetic drug) as insulin resistance (often a side effect of PCOS) can impact your hormones and therefore your ovulation/cycles etc. I think they tend to prescribe it to women with PCOS if you need help with ovulation or have known insulin resistance/type 2 diabetes risk factors.
No, but I’ve only been on metformin for 4 months. My doctor said that it’s meant to help you ovulate but it doesn’t work for everyone and you should see a difference within 6 months if it’s going to work for you.
Do you know it is not for fertility it is for to help your insulin resistance. But has help people will in the catagery off over weight...
I have had 3 children I got diagnosed at the age of 13 it is possible just before my first child I was told one more cyst they were operating to remove my ovaries
I did after 6 months, dr increased the dose gradually i must of needed a high dose to conceive x