i'm thinking anexity, i'm not eating enough because of my diet. being vegan is no diary and speacial everything else that uses milk alternatives.
hungry as my diet has hit a rut and i haven't gone full vegan because of the cost and convience. of course i could just buy it but i need the energy of food.
not that i'm giving up just that i'm tired. i know being vegan is in the long run better for me. but fresh fruit and veg, nuts, seeds, and pulses would cost an easy 50£ and i don't want to fad diet. i guess i'm tired of cooking.
and ideas for cooking. i've done some vegan cooking but it takes my energy as in enthasium to make it and i can't do it everyday even with leftovers.
yesterday i ate 12 roles. i'm begining to feel mental over food. esp. as vegan is a choice.
anyway at work now and going home in 10 mins and wandering what i'll eat. probaly pasty or no cheese- cheese. i know its commerical but food affects feelings and veg costs so much to eat compared to ready meals.
its costing me, getting wound up over it. esp. during covid. aswith the food chain affected its harder cost wise for the nation and the providers to make itaffordable for all. and when i have to think about africa or where-ever people are starving and climate change now its getting colder. i worry.
am i doing the right thing is there a bigger picture, do i care?
ps it cake!