Morning troops
After being diagnosed in 2016 and taking 6 years to go into remission and off all meds I am having a relapse which isn't as bad as it was originally as at least we are on the case immediately. The specialist has referred me to the Ear Nose & Throat clinic for the pain in my nose/face. This was where the pain and symptoms started 7 yrs prior to diagnosis and a year before diagnosis I had an operation on a deviated septum thinking that would help the pain but no. I am continually on a med to cope with the pain even though I was in remission and it is no longer coping with the pain. My question is - how will the ENT clinic be able to help? It isn't as if there is anything to see if they put a scope down. I am waiting for an brain scan to check the blood vessels and capillaries in the skull as discomfort can range across the scalp and down the back of the skull. Does anyone have any information on help ENT can provide or questions for me to ask?