New Girl: Hello I’m new to this-just diagnosed... - Vasculitis UK

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Obscureclouds profile image
21 Replies

Hello I’m new to this-just diagnosed with GCA. Interested in comments re Preds as I’ve been started on 60mg a day feel great but highly animated so only sleep for short periods. Worse thing is I can stop talking and keep interrupting people but however hard I try I can’t stop doing this. Has anyone else had this? Had my first appointment with consultant and he got quite cross saying I was a very difficult person and I could hear that at times I sounded confrontational which is totally out of character and very upsetting.

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Obscureclouds profile image
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21 Replies
JeanE4 profile image

I was also confrontational when I was on the high dose prednisolone. Couldn't sleep, couldn't stop eating or interrupting. The symptoms will go as you taper down the dose. Maybe worthwhile mentioning the side effects to people close to you and also the consultant/doctors treating you.

Good luck. I have been diagnosed for 16 years. I am closely monitored at the hospital but lead a relatively normal life, as long as I pace myself.

Obscureclouds profile image
Obscureclouds in reply to JeanE4

Thanks I did have a very different autoimmune disease after my flu ja last year and the same thing happened until til I came down to about 30 mg I do explain it to everyone so was disappointed the consultant wasn't more sympathetic. I think he was frustrated that I wanted to consider a link to what happened to me last year as all my symptoms for the first 6 weeks or so were identical and in both cases there was no sign of Respiratory or Vasculitis disease until that time. Reassuring that you are doing so well after 16 years. I lead such an active life I really don't want that to change

DorsetLady profile image

You might like to look at the PMRGCAuk forum, much more info on GCA there.

I had GCA and following sight loss in right eye - was started in 80mg so know where you are coming from.

Your consultant should be well aware of the effects of Pred at high doses and should have explained why rather than react the way he did.. not a professional approach from him.

Maybe have a look at this welcome post- and also please consider joining the charity

Plus this -

Obscureclouds profile image
Obscureclouds in reply to DorsetLady

Many thanks for your reply. I started my consultation by explaining about the talking so had hoped he would he more sympathetic.

PMRpro profile image
PMRpro in reply to Obscureclouds

We look forward to hearing from you at the PMRGCA forum.

zoe69 profile image
zoe69AdministratorVolunteerVasculitis UK

I have GPA vasculitis, but I was on high steroid dose at the start of my journey. Prednisolone affected me in multiple ways, I got insomnia, I had a huge appetite, but the worse was that I got snappy, no patience, got irritated with absolutely everything. One of my colleagues at work approached me and kindly told me that I have changed so much while on treatment and that my relationships with other colleagues are holding on a thread.

I hadn't really noticed how abrupt and confrontational I had become. I called my GP and discussed it and was put on a low dose of citalopram. It took a week or so, but it worked.

I was informed about the potential side effects, but I couldn't see or acknowledge my personality change.

Obscureclouds profile image
Obscureclouds in reply to zoe69

Many thanks for you reply ad at least I am lucky in that I am aware I'm like it if not the volume I'm speaking at (poor husband). I feel really upset that I can't stop it. I do try to tell everyone in advance so was disappointed the consultant wasn't more sympathetic.

Mooka profile image

Your consultant is in the wrong not you! Plenty of good advice on here I can’t add to except to assure you it gets better as you reduce your dose.

Obscureclouds profile image
Obscureclouds in reply to Mooka


oldtimer2 profile image

My kids (well they are in their 50s & 60s now) always know when I've had to put up my steroids because I talk too much and too fast! It seems a common problem to becaome rather 'hyperactive' on high doses. As you come down the dosage it will calm down. Just warn & apologise to people in the meantime.

Obscureclouds profile image

Thanks - poor husband suffering in the meantime

RiviS7 profile image

Nice to meet you Obscureclouds. I love your photo of the bird! The first few days I was on pred, I was running around the house cleaning everything, but that didn't last long and then I just got tired. I do find that i'm emotionally all over the place and for real can't handle any added stress. Unfortunately, I can't get away from the stress, so I have to find ways to manage my wellbeing better.

Obscureclouds profile image

thanks, not sure where the bird came from it must have got added automatically but very nice. Sorry to hear about the stress and do hope you can soon find a way of managing that. Fortunately, I feel really well both physically and mentally just hate not being able to keep quiet. My house is also so much cleaner and tidier than normal. Feel a bit in limbo at the moment as no idea when I’ll get any follow up after seeing the consultant last week and still waiting for his promised letter but I guess I’m just one of many.

Galaxy2 profile image

That’s so interesting, welcome and thank you for posting.

I’ve noticed for the last few years my habit of interrupting people, I know I do it and am forever apologising but then keep doing it without thinking. I thought it was just a bad habit I’d got into as I work at home and don’t have all the people contact I used to have. I never realised it could be related to steroids. Steroids definitely changed my personality, I’m so much more anxious and irritable too.

Welcome , you’ll find lots of friendly people here who are always happy to help with any queries

Obscureclouds profile image
Obscureclouds in reply to Galaxy2

Thank you for your welcome. From the replies I have received, I have already taken comfort from joining the group. It's not the sort of thing I would normally do but, after a disappointing non-discussion with my appointed Consultant, I saw the Vasculitis website on line and posed some issues to the help line. I was really impressed to get a very helpful and caring response the next day which included a link to this group so, at a point when I couldn't sleep, I thought I'd give it a go. I'm so glad I did.

ZiggyDiego profile image

sorry to hear this. If you look on the side effects of prednisolone, one effect is on mental state. Your consultant should know this so it’s disappointing to hear his reaction. Talking nonstop is a sign the prednisolone is affecting you mentally. The best solution is to reduce the dose. It might be worth getting support from your GP or NHS111. I can’t take prednisolone at all now as it can make me very high or dangerously low. So please seek medical advice especially if you don’t have a treatment plan to taper soon.

Obscureclouds profile image
Obscureclouds in reply to ZiggyDiego

Thanks I did think the consultant should have had more understanding as I did warn him before hand and definitely not nice him saying how it put him in mind of his mother who used to interrupt him when he was younger. I was on 40 mg Pred last year after a different autoimmune reaction and think the talking had settled down by the time I went down to 30mg I started off much higher this time and it's been even worse (poor husband) and more interrupting but I am due to be weaning down to 40mg next week so fingers crossed.

ZiggyDiego profile image
ZiggyDiego in reply to Obscureclouds

I hope things are better now?

Obscureclouds profile image
Obscureclouds in reply to ZiggyDiego

About the same but I have now reduced to 40mg of Pred so hopefully going in the right direction. Still have periods of being wide awake in the night. We’ve just had a couple of days away and I went down to the lobby to sit & walk around and never did get back to bed yet still had an active day including a 6 mile walk. Amazing things steroids. Still no symptoms of illness. Thanks for asking

GinnyMa profile image

sounds so familiar….sleepless…up at 2 am cleaning kitchen cabinets…..chatted with anyone constantly and I would call self an introvert …worried about everything previously, but not now…I felt free and no worries….to remember how it felt to not worry, I painted my front door purple and every time I pulled into the driveway I was reminded. That was all 9 years ago when I had GCA. Two years ago was diagnosed with Vasculitis , MPA, and on prednisone again…..but they taper you down pretty quickly. Prednisone is a miracle drug when you need it. But the side effects are not good.

Obscureclouds profile image
Obscureclouds in reply to GinnyMa

Thanks its good to know you are not alone I do try to warn people but it's getting a balance as when I say I'm taking a high dose of steroids I don't want people to think I want sympathy or to talk about my illness. It is embarrassing though when you find yourself joining into the conversation of strangers. Yes Pred does seem to be a miracle drug as it seems to cut in overnight and you suddenly feel so well. I'm due to cut down to 40mg next week so hopefully the talking etc will start settling down At least I'm not snappy and aggressive as some people say they became. I do think the consultant could have been more understanding and plan to tell him so when I see him again.

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