For members with GCA and/or PMR - survey req... - Vasculitis UK

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For members with GCA and/or PMR - survey request from a researcher.

zoe69 profile image
zoe69ModeratorVolunteerVasculitis UK
5 Replies

Have any of you ever had a PET-CT scan?

We have a very interested paper currently being written looking at PET-CT scans in GCA and PMR patients, and things on the scans which might be missed but may well be important.

If you could, would you be able to complete the following (VERY SHORT I PROMISE!) questionnaire for me?

Dr Ben Mulhearn


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zoe69 profile image
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5 Replies
PMRpro profile image

Have you suggested this be posted on the PMRGCAuk forum where we do have rather more patients with PMR and GCA than you do!

zoe69 profile image
zoe69ModeratorVolunteerVasculitis UK in reply toPMRpro

I have send the info and the link to the admin, I wouldn't like to take the liberty of posting it on my own.

PMRpro profile image
PMRpro in reply tozoe69

Both I and Fran have done so.

zoe69 profile image
zoe69ModeratorVolunteerVasculitis UK in reply toPMRpro

I am very glad to hear that. I didn't want to step on any toes as I don't have GCA myself.Thank you for sharing it.

DorsetLady profile image

..and lead took place in recent PMRGCAuk webinar…..

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