Does anyone know why I can't sleep when I take prendisilone
Prendisilone: Does anyone know why I can't... - Vasculitis UK

Because it's a well-known side-effect! It gets better when you get to around 10mg, though everyone's different.
What time of day do you take it? It's best to have it with your breakfast, as early as possible. xx

Thanks for that x
my doctor prescribes me zopiclone - a sleepyng tablet when im on the high doses. I dont have any problems coming off them when my dose is reduced. I also take amitryptiline for nerve pain which relexes you at night.
Dear ellie-smith-1948,
I fully agree, with the advice above but one question hasn't been asked. What dosage are you on Ellie? It is true that 'side effects' are considerably reduced, when taking bellow ten milligrams-not much use if you are taking almost fifty though, is it?
Other drugs can also cause these, and other symptoms, as most of know 'only too well'! If you really are worried then do speak to your doctors/consultants-they should be able to help.
In the mean time, take care.