The walk ends with a barbecue we would like to take the opportunity to make the public more aware of vasculitis, any tips please.
My husband Steve is doing a sponsored walk f... - Vasculitis UK
My husband Steve is doing a sponsored walk for to raise money for Vasculitis Uk.

Hi Valwood
Have you let our fundraising co-ordinator know about the event? If not please get in touch with her and she will give you details on what info etc is available:
Dear valwood,
Well apart from the obvious: posters in shops, the local pub/wine bar(if they will let you-do ask), maybe car stickers-even homemade?- asking friends/relatives to put posters/information in their windows. Actually no not really, although this 'forum', and others like it, might be worth trying.
I doubt, unless you have a friend or relative who works in one, radio/television would be much too expensive. Although the local paper might, be persuaded, to help- you won't know unless you ask.(Tesco's have just launched a new range, of children's clothes, based on the ideas of a small charity- I can't remember which one, sorry.)
Anyway I wish you the very best of luck.

Many people wanting to fundraise and raise awareness of vasculitis get in touch with their local paper or local free paper. As Pat and Jann have both said if you get in touch there are promotional items and information leaflets that VUK and help with and Pat can post your event on the website too
Create a justgiving page.
Use social media.
Ring your local press and free papers.
Tell your story on local radio.
I did all of these last year for my walk and it seemed to do the trick. Where and how far are you walking?
Sorry for the delay in replying but my computer has been down. Thanks for all your tips & help. Just giving page now set up, will phone the papers tomorrow. Posters going out tomorrow. The walk is either 12,18,or25 miles the descision will be made later on due to back problems but will take place. The walk takes place along the beautiful river Orwell.
Wellsie you were the inspiration behind this walk. Thank You

How did everything go? Have you a photo?
The walk went well,it was lovely weather, The scenery was beautiful, I have only seen the photos we have always been walkers, so it was alittle sadd when he set off by himself. We have friends who want to walk as well next
year so hoping to have a group raising money for Vasculitis UK. Next event this year is my 9 year old Granddaughter is doing an 8 mile walk
There is a photo of Steve on the fundraisers page on Vasculitis UK.