I had my kidney transplant 18 months ago. It is on my left side. I have always experienced uncomfortable pressure on the transplant site. I understand this. However, I also experience considerable pain on both sides of my abdomen usually waking me up at night or early morning. Ironically, the ache is worse on my right side. The ache is also accompanied by some naseau . It forces me to get out of bed. After 20 minutes of standing or sitting the pain and naseau is gone. Anyone experience something similar.
Side ache and naseau: I had my kidney... - Kidney Transplant...
Side ache and naseau
i have had my transplanted kidney now for 4 years and sometime i will get a pain where the kidney is, the consultant told me the tissue around it doesn't heal and the kidney will move about and if it starts hurting i will change or stretch to try and let the kidney settle in a place it wants. (in other words, it doesn't hurt) Now at the very beginning i had horrendous ibs caused by the drug i was on. it was that bad i used to go into shock - agony, shaking, wanting to be violently sick, i couldn't walk and had to have a wheelchair because as you know when you move around your bowels start working. i would have to lie down and breathe like i was having a baby till the pain subsided, of course the consultants thought i was making it all up but they did change the tablets to enteric coated. it didn't help that much.. after much research i found a diet called the FODMAP diet and it changed my life. i recommend you look it up. I might help you never know.
Best wishes
barbara xx
I had a similar thing. I was told it was due to "adhesions" as the tissue heals. I was forced in the first 2/3 days to move and it almost killed me with the pain. There seemed to be no consideration of it, the tearing of tissues or damage to the suiters of the kidney transplant.
If you had a operation on the left side (transplant) then why is the right side a problem?
Your nausia sounds like it is associated with bowel blockage.
All this should be explained by the professional caring for you but sadly not hence the volumes of emails on this and other sites.