Musical Hallucinations! : Hello folks. It's... - Tinnitus UK

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Musical Hallucinations!

WaterBeetle profile image
13 Replies

Hello folks.

It's not just the ringing or buzzing, but gradually it's developed into of all sorts! And can be different on each side. There's choral singing, male 1940's musical type singing (think South Pacific), electric guitar, carols - in particular Silent Night like it's being played on a Stylophone. Random tunes, but all these songs are just a few bars long then repeat. They can be quite subdued, but then I realise they were very noisy and loud; not quite sure how to explain that, it's a bit of a paradox.

I sometimes find myself bopping along to them as well, or if I'm stroking my dog it's 'in time'. In a couple of instances I was 'lucky' 🙂 as the tune seemed to morph into one of my favourite pieces - a couple of bars of Beethoven's 7th 2nd movement!

In spite of my light hearted tone, it can be annoying, in particular when the 'men's shaver' buzzing comes in, as that's particularly loud. It's annoying when I'm trying to read, too. At the moment I've only a fridge to my left, and a distant clarinet on my right.

I've also heard a 'conversation', a woman talking - not hearing any replies, but a muffled tone, so I can't say what she's on about, or if she's recognisable.

Now, I've wondered for years about EMF frequencies that we're surrounded by and whether they may be interfering with our biology or auric body. I've tried to cut WIFI down too, reverting to cables, doesn't seem to have effected it. It's not as prominent outside at all, either. 🤔

Anyhow, that's my experience so far... ( just a note that I'm not on here too often )


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WaterBeetle profile image
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13 Replies
WaterBeetle profile image

ps: these are not 'ear worms' but actual tune noises, as opposed to tunes you have in your head like the muppet tune...they just seem different.

Beesmac profile image
Beesmac in reply to WaterBeetle

Hello WaterBeetle. Well, by your post it doesn’t seem to be over duly bothering you but I too have musical ear syndrome - repetitive undefined music 24/7. Assuming you have read all you can on the subject, we have to learn to live with it. Mine started after a bout of Labyrinthitis left me almost totally deaf in my right ear. Thought I could hear Silent Night being played by just about every musical instrument you could think of , including bagpipes!!! Have you had a hearing test? My GP was no help at first as he had never heard of it and I did find it amusing to begin with but upon googling my symptoms and with the realisation that it wasn’t going away I became very depressed. I find it both frustrating and fascinating, stress and noisy environments make it much worse however, I never hear voices. That was three years ago it began. and I hope one day to habituate. If you haven’t already done so it may be worth getting checked out by an ENT specialist.

WaterBeetle profile image
WaterBeetle in reply to Beesmac

Hi, yeah, had my ears tested and hearing aids about 10 years ago, I couldn't 'get on ' with them, but I know there has been deterioration. I've worked in extremely noisy (airport) environments and can understand how that can effect hearing. We moved to a new 'super hub' about 4 years ago, it was horrendous with conveyor belts clattering everywhere. Although I had tinnitus before then, it's when the musical version became more apparent, my brain started making tunes out of the conveyor noise! In particular 'Don't you want me' by the Human League! I left there after a few months (in fact there was quite an exodus of 'long term' workers leave). I've sporadically looked into the issue but the answer seems to be 'no cure live with it...', even with the strange tapping routines on the back of the head! 😶 So, I've not pursued the ENT route as yet.

fuzzbox31 profile image

Hello Water Beetle,

I too have M E S and have many of the symptoms that you have. I thought I was going mad at first until I found out we are not alone.

Mainly through this forum.

I'm a musician and made a living singing, recording playing a guitar and writing songs. I'm now unable to do the things I've loved all of my life.

I have this loop of about 4 notes going on in my head 24/7 . it sounds like a synth

Other sounds all join in around those notes. When i listen to music ,every thing is out of tune. and follows the loop in my head. I find it very hard to explain as you can imagine. I am on the list to see ENT and of course I am trying to live with it , Take care.

WaterBeetle profile image
WaterBeetle in reply to fuzzbox31

Wow! That's an unfortunate situation. Loud music/raves probably didn't help my issue, I think my work environment was a bigger contributor. I hope you find a viable solution and can get back your creative spark. ✌️

Speedyknitter123 profile image

Hi waterBeetle, I too have MES , it is coming up to about a year now. I hear music 24/7 mainly male voice choirs which change after a few bars, sometimes it is just bits of music. When I am outside I get like marching tunes to the beat of my walking!, I also get a generator more in my left ear especially at night! It gets very loud when I am in a noisy environment. I have hearing loss & have worn hearing aids for about 6 yrs. The audiologist thought it was to do with hearing loss & changed my hearing aids but it has made no difference. I am on the waiting list to see a neurologist but there has been no mention of seeing an ENT specialist.

At first I was horrified to think I had to live with this but, I must say it does get easier as time goes on. Some days it drives me mad and other days I hardly notice it.

It has been very helpful to read the info on Tinnitus UK and to read of peoples experiences on here. It is good to know we are not alone !

All the best

WaterBeetle profile image
WaterBeetle in reply to Speedyknitter123

Thanks. Your symptoms are very similar to mine, although mine are much quieter outside (thankfully so far). I had my ears tested about 10 years ago, which resulted in hearing aids. I wore them for a bit, but I was working in an already noisy environment so gave up. I know they need updating. I've only really popped by this site and watched weird YouTube channels that promise amazing results and not sort any other advice. All I've seen, really, is that we have to live with it, hence not seeking advice, although I may start looking into the 'alternative' remedies.

Jamdonut profile image
Jamdonut in reply to Speedyknitter123

Hi speedy knitter. I finally found someone who seems to have something similar to me. Had an ear infection and now left with a 3 note melody playing over and over 24/7 . It increasingly volume to any external sound ( so i can hear it on top of like the car sound) and sometimes the melody turns into buzzing. This is on top of other normal sounds of tinniutues I had before whixh i had habituated to it. I have ent appointment coming up but as.mine changes tone all the time and the volume goes up its hard to get use to. Any tips

Speedyknitter123 profile image
Speedyknitter123 in reply to Jamdonut

Hi Jamdonut, it is good to know we are not alone although I havnt found that many people with musical hallucinations! I’m afraid I don’t have any tips apart from just getting on with it & trying to keep busy so that I don’t dwell on it. I’m still waiting for ENT & neurology appointments just to rule out anything untoward so I will be glad when I see them. Hope you find someone who can help you, all the best.

TinnitusUKPat profile image

For anyone generally interested in musical tinnitus/musical hallucination/musical ear syndrome, there is a discussion of the phenomenon on our website -

WaterBeetle profile image
WaterBeetle in reply to TinnitusUKPat

Thanks, I'll check that out.

Geronima profile image

Hi WaterBeetle I’ve just joined your group. I woke up a couple of weeks ago with these tunes going round and round. As I had an ear blocked with wax, I blamed that. After putting drops in I went to have it microsuctioned expecting for the tinnitus to disappear. But while my hearing was better, the tinnitus wasn’t. I then saw my GP who said he never heard of that! I will go back asking to be referred to ENT. All the best.

Jamdonut profile image
Jamdonut in reply to Geronima

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