I am an elderly man, I will be 81 in March and I have had T for over 20 years and I am sorry to say this but at times it still gets me down with consequence I do at times take a sleeping pill but my main resource is my "Sound Machine" which to the uninitiated I would highly recommend. My Machine is simple and cheap it has seven different sounds on it one of which is not now working and it has a half hour timer. When you put this on the aim of the device is for the sound of the machine to draw your concentration to it and away from your T thus, with a bit of luck enabling sleep.I wear 2 aids, they are good for T during the day but at night you have to take them off so the sound machine.
My downside is is that it is medically recognised that as a person ages so his T can get worse so what I will do if the time comes that I can't handle it is anyone guess.
Best wishes to all, Peter