I suffer with fairly bad tinnitus the audiologist today said I would benefit with hearing aids as I have hearing loss. I read from a recent post that their hearing aids caused tinnitus to go worse. I think I have reactive tinnitus which I mentioned to her. I don’t want this noise going louder but then zi struggle to hear tv. I was advised to think about it and ring them if I want to be put on the list
hearing aids: I suffer with fairly bad tinnitus... - Tinnitus UK
hearing aids
the general advice is as your audiologist says. Have a look at what Tinnitus UK says about this on their website.
I find, personally, that the aids help partly because the real world is much clearer therefore the phantom world of T is diminishes. Don’t expect a miracle cure, of course.
I read the post you referenced and was surprised.
For me, hearing have certainly helped. As happyrosie1 says the 'real world is much clear' which helps eliminate the sounds of T. HA amplify real world sounds. T is sound from our 'head', not real world so HA should not amplify the T sound.
Hello and welcome.
I resisted hearing aides for years.
I find they do help clean up the signal around me to provide better communication.
It’s because the cleaner audio sounds reach my brain that can help as a distraction to my tinnitus.
Hope this helps, take care G
Hi l to suffer from bad titinnis give the healing aids ago l have mine 8 years now would be lost without them .
I agree with all posts above . Hearing aides definitely help with the T . I highly suggest you give them a try . They can program it with a masker. This has helped me tremendously. Sincerely
HA definitely help - they make sounds clearer, for me I can hear conversation, and was able to socialise again etc. without HA I'd be lost. Yes they take getting used to, and the brain needs time to adjust. You will notice the changes, but you have to let the brain adjust and once it does things becomes a lot better.
They have helped me considerably. I’ve also noticed that if I experience spikes or a noticeable change (a fluttering non-pulsatile thumping sound manifested about six weeks ago and is now constant), it seems much less panic inducing with the hearing aids. The tinnitus and hyperacusis is there, but it’s much more bearable. It’s not a cure by any means, but it is an aide in dealing with the noise!
I have NEVER heard of hearing aids making tinnitus worse. They will make it seem better in the daytime, or whenever you're wearing them because you are able to hear much more which appears to lessen the noise from tinnitus. It's still there, you just don't notice it so much. The only time it might seem worse, is when you take your HAs out because the outside noise decreases giving full rein to your tinnitus. But it is not worse and you adjust again to your normal without aids level very quickly.
I would go for hearing aids. They make a big difference to my T. Can you try National Health ones first before committing to aids costing 3K or thereabouts.
I agree with the above posters...I've recently tried them and they DO reduce T when you wear them. There is a slight spike when you take them out but (and I've experimented with this recently) the brain seems to adjust quite quickly. And the added bonus of better (but not perfect but definitely improved) hearing across the range.