has anyone on here on bp tablets and doctor told to increase medication due to pulse and higher bp? If so how long did it take to make a difference? I’m impatient ! It’s only been first day on higher bp tablets and the weather is terrible I can’t get out, which I usually do every day
blood pressure meds for pulse tinnitus - Tinnitus UK
blood pressure meds for pulse tinnitus
you might find the website of the specialist charity Blood Pressure UK to be helpful.
If you are early on in your hypertension journey, it’s normal to be prescribed one type of bp tablet and then, after everything has settled down but your pressures are still a bit high, add another type.
Depending on which medication it is, it normally starts work within a few hours.
Hi Flapjackie,..I haven't been on the site for a while.However, I have pulsatile tinnitus and have had it for almost a year. I'm still waiting for an appointment with ENT, this is after two urgent referrals have been requested by my doctor.
I'm already on a low dose of BP tabs...I'm borderline not dangerous. My PT sets off panic attacks because of the thudding in my right ear which wakes me up. I'm a nervous type anyway! I take 40mg of Propranalol twice a day....one very early morning and one before I go to bed. At least it stops the panic. I sympathise with you..and anyone out there with PT. I'm now retired. I manage to ignore my PT by watching tv, listening to music etc. My blood pressure thankfully hasn't been compromised as yet, but when you have this awful noise 24/7 I can quite understand that it will make BP soar . The condition is relentless and personally, I don't think anything can be done except to try and drown it out. For me, I believe I'll have it for the rest of my life. I'm sorry if I sound pessimistic but I'm a realist. I had a bad chest infection that was going round last Christmas. I got better and was fine until late Feb early March when the noise started. This may have been the cause, but it's irrelevant because I don't believe it can be cured. It's very rare that PT just stops. Sorry for the useless tome and I hope that you can find ways of putting up with it a day at a time. Good luck.
Just one more thing....the PT that could be BP related is a whooshing sound not pulse sound. The whooshing sound I think can be like the sound of a foetal heartbeat when they do an ante-natal almost like a whooshing wow wow wow. The light thudding sound is pulse.
thanks for your reply. Like you I had a virus before this happened and I’m a nervous person which I think makes it worse. My go is always worse when I go to the docs but at home ok…. He didn’t seem worried and just told me to up my meds….. I will give it a go and if no better will go back. Thanks let me no how you get on
I have almost the same as you Horsewhisper, PT in my left ear 24/7. Have had this thud thud thud for over 5 years. Have had all sorts of tests / scans with nothing found.
It's an absolute pain isn't it? Weird to think that we may never know what silence is again.
Having said that......have a good Christmas on the beach!🙂
Good luck FJ...I live in the Highlands of Scotland.....the normal waiting time for ENT is about 18 months. Have thought of going private but to be honest...I don't see the point. They'll tell me what I already know plus a stonking great bill! If it was anything else but PT I'd give private a go. I hope that you'll be in the category where the PT stops abruptly...it has been known.