Hi I'm new to this group, suffered 15+ years now n managed quite well up until 12 weeks ago where I stupidly went to my Christmas party. Music was loud n I took breaks even wore ear plugs, stayed hour n half n regretted it since as was first time in 7 years I went to a party. I self blame n it being so loud has put me in an anxiety n depressed state, break down a lot, been off work, staying with parents as don't want to be alone either. I'm so fearful of this new level I really need best advice on what helped you guys n as I'm scared. Please give me advice, tips n comfort.Thanks
Advice n support needed: Hi I'm new to this... - Tinnitus UK
Advice n support needed

Hello Yam42 Welcome. Please don't blame yourself. It sounds as if you took sensible precautions at the party. It's upsetting when T gets louder because you have to adjust to it all over again. I remember when it happened to me. I was afraid too. Try to stay as calm as possible. Do breathing exercises and listen to soft sounds. Talk to family, friends and the forum. Things will get better .
I think I may be making it worse with my anxiety being so high but I can't seem to calm down. I have it in both ears and before this party I was coping well. Sounds to sleep to but it's the day I struggle with so I panic n cry a lot. People say its all about acceptance n it will get better, I pray once again it will subside in time but I just need it to be now I guess
This is the problem. T causes anxiety and in turn anxiety fuels T. It's a vicious circle. So the first thing to do is to address the anxiety. I didn't believe that sounds and relaxation could be so helpful but they are. I still use them now. Give them a try - if you can. You're on high alert at the moment. Natural sounds or soft music and breathing exercises will help you to relax.
hi Yam42 - what were yr coping methods before this rise ? sound therapy ? or did u not need to use anything. My T changed in sound and volume 8 weeks ago after a noise incident - such much more difficult. I think the brain needs to get used to the new sound ,new level then after a while will hopefully start to zone it out again - its still early days . Medication from GP may possibly help in this transition stage - anti anxiety, anti deps. I havent taken these yet but may need to as my anxiety is now much higher than last year.
this is just like me - i was coping last year, even though it was a buzzing sound and i could divert from it - but now its impossible to divert and my anxiety is through the roof - i can also sort of feel the vibration in head as well, which is really weird - I shall speak to GP about this , but doubtful they will do anything as they dont seem to understand T which is rare, or outside the norm.
I would recommend that you do CBT at present time as this can calm the nervous system for a while and reduce the anxiety feeding into the T. The OTO app is good for CBT for tinnitus (£20 per month) full of practical exercises ( and small chunks of theory - CBT exercises can also be found on youtube andlike DL said , breathing exercises can actually reduce anxiety
Good advice, Suz. Thought I'd 'stick my oar in' as you're the first person I've heard mention a kind of vibration. I have this too and it makes me feel like I have a mild headache nearly all the time.
yes - been like this over past 5 weeks since theT got worse - this really scares me
Try and accept it, no matter how bad it gets. I try and think of all those people who have something far worse. I suppose it's the 'half glass full....' approach.
so u can actually feel some sort of vibration in head ( not a vibrating noise as such)
Yes. It feels like a have a constant generator whilst also having a constant high pitched noise.
and how loud is yr T - can u hear it all the time or can you distract from it during day - or a mixture of these 2 i expect
There's a waiting list for cbt here, it's mad. I just want to cope again
Yes it could be quite a wait to see NHS Psychologist - possible to see private psychologist much quicker ( I saw private psych for a few sessions last summer , but this was about a different issue and not the T.) Thing is we can easily find the CBT online or on the OTO - which is probably easier than going to appointments
What about the Debbie Featherstone online CBT for tinnitus any good?
Yes, the Debbie Featherstone online CBT is really good, it helped me enormously - lots of good relaxation exercises and lots of information about what tinnitus actually is and ways to train yourself to dial down the worry and anxiety about it
I have just started this, and am on week 2 - yes this is good. (There is some reading of theory of psychology and stuff which be skimmed over if lacking time) - but the main CBT exercises are easy to implement each day
This online cbt, is it through nhs? I need something
this is online - tinnituseprogram.org/
I'm afraid I don't have the money to spare for this, has anyone else felt so low they're scared n feel a burden on close ones? I mean is this normal as it's new to me. It's blasting in my head
I feel the same as you for making a noise incident mistake - but at the time we thought we would be ok - dont be too harsh on yourself - we all make mistakes with the T - the reason i have severe T is probably because of my mistakes - lifes like this , we cannot avoid making mistakes sometimes
Yes NHS would take time to see someone - We just have to do the CBT ourselves - the OTO app is good - also on youtube there are lots of exercise - start with the breathing as it really can calm yr system and anxiety
I have fallen into a cycle of crying n feeling hopeless with this, I'm so tired. I'm back in work next week n guess it's a good thing really ye. Try keep busy like, you have in both ears too? People say it's hard to say what's severe but it's over the tv
yes i have it in both ears - was quite severe last year and this year is worse - reactive to noise and i have the sound sensitivity Hyperacusis . Mine is a rare type not really the normal T
Do u hear yr T all the time - does it fade in daytime when u are busy?
Strength to you Yam42 - have read the posts in response ‘n your replies. The ideas posted may help you I hope, best wishes VeeCat x
Sure - I wonder if it’d b helpful to chat to someone from Tinnitus UK - (?) think that’s the new name (but unsure-used to be the British Tinnitus Association. A worker from there posts on this Forum (they may already be in touch with you…) I may have missed any responses they may have made already, yet I encourage you to consider reaching out to them at what seems like a mega challenging time for you. All the best - VeeCat.

The helpline number is 0800 018 0527, and it's available from 9am to 5pm on weekdays if you want to talk to someone.😀