Hi there, first time post here so hello !
I have had slight ringing T in my right ear for a long while now, but a few weeks ago I developed a new version (PT) in my left ear which is like constant drumming. I only had it so far for a few days on and off, but to be blunt, it scared the living ***** out of me. The idea I could have this forever just freaked me out.
I was previously on anxiety / OCD medication (which I know can cause T) but I had been off it for a while when the 'attack' happened. As a result I have gone straight back on it due to the sheer worry and needing to calm down and carry on working.
I am lucky enough to have Bupa with my work, so have started to try and find an ENT consultant through them but frankly have no idea where to start. They have a 'finder' directory where they have more than 200 consultants listed who mostly all say they specialise in everything ENT wise.
I am based near Bournemouth, Dorset and wondered please if... a) anyone has any ENT consultant they would recommend for PT and b) what to ask / say when hopefully I can get an appointment with one. Trying to stay positive but this one has knocked me for six on the anxiety front :-(.
Thanks in advance