I started experiencing tinitus episodes in one ear for the last two weeks but the last few days now it is pretty much constant. I saw my GP and my ears look fine and has put in an urgent MRI refferal. I am very worried and stressed out that it will be something really serious. I am very scared. Any advice or your experiences would be extremely helpful.
Unilateral tinitus and Urgent MRI refferal - Tinnitus UK
Unilateral tinitus and Urgent MRI refferal

when someone goes to a doctor with tinnitus, the pathway that the doctor is encouraged to follow by NICE (National Institute for Clinical Evidence ) is as you describe. You can look this up yourself by going to the NICE website and inputting ‘tinnitus’ to their search box at the top.
So far, so normal and you are lucky to have a doctor to take notice of you. Many posters here find their doctor is dismissive.
Doctors know there’s no specific ‘cure’ for tinnitus. You can get a lot of guidance and help from the website of Tinnitus UK
SirCatMeow Exactly as Happyrosie says here. My path is similar and whilst no diagnosis for me it has seemingly discounted anything "dangerous" for want of a better phrase.
I've had a few MRI scans etc and nothing concerning was found.
All the best
I need to digest the NICE Guidelines. - My Doctor requested a MRI Scan, as Neuro needs to authorise it and it was rejected, I am due to see ENT after 5 Mths wait soon and they maybe able to request a MRI scan, some criteria Theshold is not met or they are so blocked up, they don't want to do it, many things in the NHS are huge waiting times.
Hello - try and not worry although I know it is difficult not to but as HappyRosie says at least your GP is doing something and taking the correct route to eliminate anything untoward. Meanwhile have you had a hearing test? Tinnitus quite often starts when there is hearing loss. I think we all take our ears for granted until we hit a problem and it is very stressful, unfortunately tinnitus thrives on stress. Try and read as much as you can, that is something that helped me to understand what was going on. We’ve all been through what you’re experiencing and it isn’t pleasant but try and not worry x
No not recently. I know my hearing is definitely affected and did tell my gp. I had a hearing test a year ago at specsavers. They put it down to my anxiety and dyslexia.
That is odd them saying that. As it’s a year, if it were me, I’d have another test - at a different place though. Has GP referred you to an ENT or Audio specialist. The trouble is the waiting time is dreadful for these appointments. Let us know how you get on x
I had a hearing test at Specsavers & they showed me a graph that I had passed and no hearing loss, they also don't treat tinnitus. I had a hearing test at a private clinic and it shows what is known as hidden hearing loss, from 12,000-14,000hz, which is what I have some tinnitus from and Specasvers do not check that range level. I also had some issues around 6,000-8,500hz and to 12,000hz, but, not major and Specavers did not pick that up in the 6-8.500hz range, I have a bit of tinnitus around that frequency as well. I am trying hearing aids and a tinnitus plan, to see if I can get my brain to ignore it a little bit and calm it down, I am taking numerous meds, have high blood pressure and am trying to relax. My Doctor requested a MRI Scan, as Neuro needs to authorise it and it was rejected, I am due to see ENT after 5 Mths wait soon and they maybe able to request a MRI scan, some criteria Theshold is not met or they are so blocked up, they don't want to do it, many things in the NHS are huge waiting times.
An MRI is usually what a GP would do as a first step to rule out any major causes. had 2 myself and all came back just as normal.
Thank you to everyone who highlighted the NICE pathway as I had no idea there was one. I went to my GP 4years ago with sudden onset of Pulsatile tinnitus in one ear. After a quick examination showing there was nothing wrong with my ear, I was sent on my way. A couple of years on and I requested a referral for a hearing test - my local health board has an arrangement with SpecSavers, but they could not help because I have tinnitus! Back to my GP, who referred me to the hospital and 18 months later I am still waiting for an appointment. So IMHO a GP who takes you seriously is worth their weight in gold- but as others have said, try not to worry, you are receiving the best care.
Very surprised that Spec Savers cannot do hearing test due to your Tinnitus, Locally to me it is something they include in their advertising/ information videos. Also I found (again local to me in West Sussex) a high street NHS hearing centre, I requested a referral from my GP and was seen very quickly. They understood all about Tinnitus and were extremely helpful. Best of luck to you.
hi there, as others have said an MRI is just to rule out anything serious so try not to worry. I have had unilateral tinnitus in my right ear now for a year. It has gone from intense ringing 10/10 for about 6/8 weeks to a tiny ring that sometimes almost disappears for a week or so then comes back for a few days as a kind of fizzy ring.
On doing a lot of research, having an MRI with no issues, seeing an ENT specialist who confirmed it’s not my ear, and seeing an oral and maxofillo facial specialist, the general consensus is that bruxism could be the cause as I clench my jaws at night and have been doing so for many years (as confirmed by my dentist). TMJ is also known to cause T. I don’t know if any of this relates to you. If so it may be worth exploring this once you’ve had the all clear from the MRI. I have also read that neck issues can cause T.
I’ve had chiropractor treatment, TMJ massage (I don’t have TMJ but the therapist said my jaw muscles were very tight), physio, shockwave treatment and dry needling on my masseter muscle. I wear a night mouthguard to protect my teeth. I don't know if this helped my T reduce but it is now at a manageable level albeit a little annoying at times.
I hope telling my experience helps in some way and this site is a great place to find help and support.
My tinnitus started in one ear (the left) and was that way for 15-20 years until I started to detect it in the other ear too. I was sent for an MRI scan to test for an 'acoustic neuroma' in the dominant ear. However, I was told that this was a precaution and that a very small minority of scans, 3% or 4%, actually detect something. So, don't worry unduly.
Hi I’m in a similar position. Specsavers wrote to my GP about my tinnitus but they don’t seem unduly worried. They told me to book a routine appointment to discuss! As the others have said most of the time there is no serious cause. All the best.
Thank you for all the replies. They have been really helpful. I will try not to panic 😊
Don't worry, tinnitus is horrible but that's all it will be, tinnitus is very common, we get it for all sorts of reasons, there is no cure, and the initial stage is the worst, yours may settle settle down become intermittent,or carry on. my advise to you is go through all the presages and carry on as normal, try very hard to not let it effect your life. most people will have low tinnitus, and i know at the moment it will seem very loud, hang in there, and make sure you get out of the house as much as possible, that is very important, the worst thing you can do is dwell on it, and stay at home, you will be ok, there are lots of of people on this site who will guide you. you are not alone.
Sir Cat I too was sent for an urgent MRI . Nothing was found ear and brain completely normal . HA! regardless I agree with everyone here . The beginning is the worst its been a year and I'm just now starting to think I'm going to survive this T bs no matter what . I wear a hearing aide with a masker and it does help to trick my brain and adjust to the hissing sound from the masker rather than the train whistle.
Best advice is get out the house it took me forever to do that . Go for walks. Social gatherings can be overwhelming tho
Keep your chin up
Tinnitus on its own is rarely 'serious' by which I mean it rarely presages any serious disease. I have dual sided tinnitus, both pulsatile and not. I have, over the years had 3 MRIs and 1 CT scan and the worst that was found was a vascular loop which, my ENT who I trust completely, said was irrelevant. He's seen me through a lot including a CI. Tinnitus of course can be serious in other ways, usually the effect it has on you as there is no cure, only ways of adapting to it. Different people have different ways to learn to accustom themselves to it. For me, it's just making sure I'm busy and involved in what I'm doing. Others walk, have behavioural therapy, use mindfulness and similar therapies, use masking noises, have music on low etc etc. You will learn to live with it but it's not always pleasant.
I am struggling to get a MRI scan with my local hospital in Croydon, it's been rejected a few times. I have really good doctors, but, the NHS waiting time is crazy, we still have people waiting 8-15.5 hours in my local A&E and many chairs are broken and people are sitting on the floor waiting, due to the lack of seats. In your reply, What's a CI ?
Hi SirCatMeow, my story is very similar to yours. Unilateral tinnitus in left ear completely out of the blue last June. Saw an audiologist and hearing was fine. Had an mri, all normal. Try not to worry (easy to say I know).
Mine is almost certainly stress related ( horrible couple of years not in my control). Could this be this be your cause?
It is common practice to have an MRI for one sided tinnitus . I had one= negative result. Please try not to worry ,it is very rare that something is actually wrong . Quite a few people on here have had an MRI.... and Mr T nearly always gets louder when you are stressed .
Have you had a recent trauma to make it worse? I find a gentle chiropractor really helps. Tinnitus is typical the thread like nerve that goes from the inner ear to the brain. Mine was from a neck injury.