Stoping Mertazapine: Morning, does anyone have... - Tinnitus UK

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Stoping Mertazapine

Bluehazemax profile image
15 Replies

Morning, does anyone have any experience of this? I took my last half mertazapine tablet five days ago following a tapering off period. At first I thought I was ok (probably because of the half life of the drug), but last night night was awful. Hardly any sleep, tinnitus screaming and that horrible fight or flight thing all the time. Does anyone know if it gets better? Am feeling that maybe I wasn’t ready as all the life stresses that I think probably caused this are still there. I haven’t seen the gp which I confess I probably should have. Any thoughts welcome. Thanks.

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15 Replies
Bluehazemax profile image


Karlos99 profile image

I took it for about a year for sleep. Worked well then stopped. Rebound insomnia is a common symptom as is anxiety. Didn’t alter my tinnitus at all. Hopefully your symptoms calm down and you get your sleep sorted. Try and keep calm and not stress too much. Easier said than done I know. All the best.

Bluehazemax profile image
Bluehazemax in reply to Karlos99

Thank you. I was taking it for sleep (worked well) and anxiety. I thought it wasn’t doing much for the anxiety, but now realise that perhaps it was! Am going to see how tonight goes and then probably go back on it for a while longer. Hope you’re doing ok with your T. It’s a horrible thing for sure.

Karlos99 profile image
Karlos99 in reply to Bluehazemax

Try and give it a few days to see if you level out. You’re best off without medication if you can. I know how hard it is though so you have to do whatever you can to get through.

I’m ok with my tinnitus I suppose. Good and bad days. Sleep was my main problem. Good luck and if you need and help or advice just ask. All the best.

PimplePopperfan profile image

I don't have experience with mirtazapine for me personally zopiclone was the magic drug. Not because of the T but it zonked me out and I did not worry about not sleeping. Do you have any other issues? I got an ear infection and T became so loud - it even "outscreeched" my fan in the bedroom.

Bluehazemax profile image
Bluehazemax in reply to PimplePopperfan

Hi, no I don’t have any other physical issues. Audiology confirmed my hearing was ok. Originally the T was just in my left ear so I had an MRI too. That was ok thankfully. Now T is screeching in both ears! Only other issues are stressy ones. I wish they’d come up with a cure for this though. Wouldn’t that be wonderful!

TurboTrace profile image

How long did you do the tapering off for? You should take it slowly. Also down to half a tablet, then do that every other day for a while, then every 2 days, 3 days etc. I know you can't break the tablets into quarters which makes it awkward but the tapering off period needs to be for a significant period. Wishing you well xx

Bluehazemax profile image
Bluehazemax in reply to TurboTrace

I did it over 2 months, but didn’t do every other day with the half tablet. Probably should have done that. The T hadn’t altered really while I was taking it, but it was just annoying rather than the fight or flight thing. Back to fight or flight now though and the T is very high pitched…..but I know I’m thinking about it all the time which isn’t helpful!

777john profile image

i was on mertazapine for 9 months then was tapered off by going down to half a tablet for, i think for a week then stopped and i was fine, no side effects at all, hang in there, you will be ok

Bluehazemax profile image
Bluehazemax in reply to 777john

Hi, I think I should have carried on for longer. I only took it for 5 months. I found it increased my appetite which was a pain. However, less of a pain than how I feel now I think!

Thanks for the encouraging words.

Veecat profile image

Hi Bluehazemax - strength to you. I developed Tinnitus at a time in my life when I was v stressed. It is still with me constantly yet have learnt to habituate as best I can and I now live with it bearable. CBT helped with anxiety ‘n sleep - it was not Tinnitus CBT specifically, yet it helped. Sleep can still b disrupted. I have taken Citalopram half 10 mg tablet - off it currently - and hope to stay so. Think it helped a little wiv anxiety ‘n yet now am trying to use meditation more - recommend the free App Insight Timer for that. I think it’s v good. My GP recommended it a few years ago … 🙂 … what a good tip! She said there was a free version. Maybe your GP would b a good move to at least have a general chat with - hope this is of some help. Go well - VeeCat.

Bluehazemax profile image
Bluehazemax in reply to Veecat

Hi Veecat, yes I’m sure it was stress for me too. It’s been a lousy few years with one thing after another happening (mostly out of my control). T is just the icing on the cake isn’t it. I’m glad you’ve mostly habituated. I had until now but it feels like back to square one. Thanks for the app tip, I’ll have a look. All the best.

GrimGraze profile image

How much mg you were taking and for how long?

Bluehazemax profile image
Bluehazemax in reply to GrimGraze

Hi, 15mg for 5 months. Probably should have carried on for longer.

Dazza2024 profile image

Hi, I have been taking Mirtazapine 30mg for nearly 4 mths. When I first took it, it did help me get some sleep & I felt it calmed my brain down a little bit from getting anxious or extra angry with it. It maybe wearing off a little bit, as my sleep is getting a bit harder, unless I am really tired, I try and stay awake until I am shattered, so I fall asleep easier. Mirtazapine starts to work about 2 hours in and the full dose is in the blood in about 6 Hrs after taking the tablet, so you need to time it, so you go to bed when the tablet is at about 6hrs in, unless you feel tired earlier. My tinnitus is the same loudness and hasn't changed, but, I think Mirtazapine slightly distracts the brain from thinking about it as often, but, only slightly in the calming moment. I did also try Duloxetine with it, but, they are not normally recommended together & it sent my Blood Pressure High & my Tinnitus Screaming, my blood pressure is still high & that maybe contributing to some of the extra loudness I have, so the Doctor has given me more Blood Pressure meds & I am also just starting Betahistine 16mg, to see if it will calm it down a little bit. I would recommend you checking your Blood Pressure daily, to see what it is & you could try Nortriptyline or Duloxetine, to see what effect they have on you, as they work also for some people and not others. I could feel Duloxetine was not right for me, even 2 days in, so I stopped it or you could try Mirtazapine 30mg, it is recommended a lot and it does help people sleep. A lot of Doctors won't subscribe sleeping tablets anymore. They also gave me some Promethazine Hydrochloride to help with that or feeling sick from it. I was taking 10mg, I am not sure it made much difference to getting to sleep or not, the doctor has upped it to 25mg, for the future, to see how that goes. What I do notice is when I wake up, my tinnitus seems screaming & once I moved about and exercise, it seems to go a bit quieter, although, this may still be connected to blood pressure issues, as I am still really high readings, even with daily exercise. I do find Mirtazapine makes me feel hungry all the time, I still eat about the same & my weight is the same, even with daily exercise. Mirtazapine should be stopped about 6 Months after you feel better. Sometimes, it is taken for the rest of your life, it seems safe to take it with me, I don't really have any side effects with it and I do think it calms my brain down from getting angry, but, even if it is a little bit or very very small difference. It works for some people and not for others. You have to keep trying different meds with the doctors to see if anything may work, depending on your tinnitus and hearing loss and other causes. Nortriptyline is recommended a lot, my doctor won't let me try that just yet, as I am doing other Meds & then need to see an ENT consultant & get an MRI scan to see if that shows anything else up. Nortriptyline may work for you or not, you have to keep trying different Meds, because there is a chance something may work on your Brain that calms it down a bit and what works for some people, don't always work for others. Betahistine 16mg is also recommended and may work, I can't say at the moment, it will for me, as I have just started it and it takes 2-3 weeks to try and notice any difference.

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