Tablets - zopiclone/amitriptyline : I’ve been... - Tinnitus UK

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Tablets - zopiclone/amitriptyline

Rabb5 profile image
33 Replies

I’ve been prescribed zopiclone (only a short dose for 5 days) to help me sleep with tinnitus.

I’ve read some reviews though saying this can make tinnitus worse. Anyone have any experience with this tablet?

I wondered if I should check about amitriptyline instead , as I have taken this before (prior to suffering tinnitus) so am more comfortable knowing I’ve never had an issue with it. Has anyone had a problem with tinnitus after taking amitriptyline?

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Rabb5 profile image
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33 Replies
rabbits65 profile image

I occasionally take Amitriptyline and have had no trouble with it affecting tinnitus. However Amitriptyline can make you feel very heavy and drowsy . I don’t take it very often because of this.

1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to rabbits65

Hi , I take amitriptyline every night to help me sleep and it hasn’t affected my sleeping. I also take other medication to help my mood and it probably does affect my tinnitus but at least I have stopped crying! Good luck

Rabb5 profile image
Rabb5 in reply to 1Dar

The drs have now suggested mirtazipine, as like you, I seem to be crying a lot! Although, I’d rather that than ringing worse. If the tablets increase the ringing, I’ll be more stressed.

It’s so difficult not knowing how your body will react. We’ll get there.

1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to Rabb5

Hi , mirtzapine is good for sleeping and very safe. I tried white noise for awhile , but that kept me awake. How did you first get your tinnitus and do you wear hearing aids. I first got t seven years ago when I had a grommet put in my ear. I then had the grommet taken out, then put back in again, to be taken out again!,,, I then had a big operation to remove a bone in my ear. Then I had a cochlear implant put in but it was taken out as it was too painful. I’m now onto my second cochlear. , !!! So it’s been a journey, I regret ever having that first grommet put in. But what’s done is done.

I’ve had lots of teary days but pushing forward now. I had to give up teaching which was sad . I’m positive someone one day will come up with some sort of cure. It’s nice to have this chatline to compare how other people are going. Take care….Jenny

1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to 1Dar

If you wanted to private message that would be fine with me

Rabb5 profile image
Rabb5 in reply to 1Dar


Thanks, I’ve really appreciated your advice. My tinnitus came on after a combination of things and I spend a lot if time trying to work out what caused it, which I know doesn’t help!

I had a blocked ear and started to get tinnitus in that ear so had Microsuction, then had tinnitus in both ears, so not sure if it was Microsuction, which was very loud. I’d also not long got over covid, so drs think it could possibly be due to covid. I’m hoping it will pass, but do need something as I’m so low and my children are very aware, which is affecting my eldest worrying about me.

Maybe I’ll try the mitrazipine. Did you find this helped with your mood more than amitriptyline, but the amitriptyline does not affect your tinnitus, but mitrazapine makes your tinnitus worse?

Sorry I have so many questions.

1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to Rabb5

Hi, I understand you being so low, I’ve had days where I couldn’t get out of bed, but I try to keep busy, especially my mind. I just went shopping but had to come home as my T was too high. Don’t be afraid to ask me as many questions as you like,. … no mirtzapine did not affect my tinnitus .. I think it’s a good tablet to take…in my opinion!

It’s hard for people around us to see us suffering . I try not to let them see me cry. My children are grown up so they are used to me now. No one really knows what to say as they don’t hear the ringing. I have a very supportive husband which helps a lot. Take care, Jenny.

As I said before I am happy to talk to you on Messenger if you like .

1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to 1Dar

How are you going? I hope the amitriptyline is working for you? Take care

Rabb5 profile image
Rabb5 in reply to 1Dar

Hi, thanks for asking. I’m still awaiting to hear from dr but going to go with the suggestion of mirtazapine. I think if I can adjust my mood, maybe I’ll be able to habitate to it, as I just can’t at mo.

My husband is amazing too. He’s been doing everything and really supportive, as I know it’s hard to understand as I look fine.

I’ve so many plans I was meant to be doing with my children, but just can’t as it’s noisy environments. I desperately need to try to habitate to it, as I don't want to keep missing out. Do you use earplugs in a noisy environment?

1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to Rabb5

Hi Rabb5 , I hope you are going okay. I know exactly how you are feeling , each day I hope for some sort of habituation. I am constantly seeking answers which unfortunately aren’t there. No I don’t wear ear plugs as I’m deaf in the ear where my cochlear is, ear plugs would make it worse. I’m having a really tough day today ……it’s just so unrelenting … I have been keeping to myself too much .

I have grown up children , I try to hide a lot from them as they worry a lot. I have 3 cute grandchildren who keep me on my toes.They live 3 hours drive away.

Try not to search for answers , I did and ended up worse off. Do you have hearing aids?

Take care of yourself and keep busy .


1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to Rabb5

It’s great that you aren’t going down the surgical side of things , it’s just create high expectations to be left with disappointment . I’m sure my ringing has increased due to the number of operations I have had! Oh well , too late now! 🌞🌞🌞

1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to Rabb5

Hi Rabb 5 Please don’t think I am stalking you but just saying hello and wondering how you are. I hope you are well. We have to be kind to each other. 🌞

Rabb5 profile image
Rabb5 in reply to 1Dar

I hope you are well, stay positive. We can beat this. I’m trying hard to listen to someone who said “you’re stronger than this, show T who’s boss”. I’m doing my best to distract myself.

1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to Rabb5

I love your strong attitude and yes we can beat this horrible thing. I’m also trying to keep busy by doing the most boring things . It’s affecting too many people around me now which is not good !

1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to Rabb5

Thanks will try and put a smile on my face and be strong! Have a great day 🌞

1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to Rabb5

do you tinnitus in both ears🌞

1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to Rabb5

I went out today and kept saying those words , helped a bit, still have a long way to go. If I didn’t have the pain I would be a lot better off! Keep up the positive vibes 🌞

1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to Rabb5

I have been really hard to be strong but it’s tough . We live near a beach so have been doing lots of walking on the beach . How are you going ? Stay positive

1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to rabbits65

Hi …. I’m going through a rough stage at the moment. Ringing is really bad ….just have to ride through it. 🌞

perlcoder profile image

Hi Rabb5

A reply like this one has to begin by noting that we are all different and that, sadly, few things T-related are predictable. That said, I believe that amitriptyline is, in most contexts, considered to be a drug that is well tolerated by most people and has very few side-effects. I have no doubt that some sufferers believe that it worsened their T, but that seems true of every drug imaginable. I was prescribed it many years ago for post-herpetic neuralgia and it was a godsend. It does make one sleep heavily, and there is a risk of drowsiness next day - as rabbits65 says.

When my T worsened 7 years ago I asked by doctor to prescribe amitriptyline because I knew it could help with sleep / relaxation. At that time, unfortunately, my anxiety and the loudness of my T meant that the drug was not so effective as before and I soon discontinued it. That may, however, be an indication of how mild it usually is.

If it would help me now, I would take it without hesitation.

1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to perlcoder

Hi Rabb5 how are you going. Wouldn’t it be nice if we all got a Xmas present, by eliminating tinnitus. I’m literally taking each day as it comes , it’s all you can do. Hope you are going okay ..I pulled out of the chat group a few years ago…..but it’s nice to keep in touch with people who have the same problem. Hope you are well🌞

Karlos99 profile image

I took zopiclone for a while. Didn’t really work for me. Think I got about 2 hours sleep with it but it didn’t feel like real sleep. It didn’t affect my tinnitus at all. The doctor suggested nortriptyline, which is similar to amitriptyline. After reading a lot of reviews many claimed it made their tinnitus worse. I never took it but everyone reacts differently. Good luck.

1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to Karlos99

I take amitriptyline and I’ve no reaction with my tinnitus. I also take other medication ….it’s hard to know whether different medications do affect tinnitus. I would love to throw them in the bin and have silence but I think it might be awhile before I can do that ! I have been away from the chatline but it’s nice to swap stories and share ideas!

Karlos99 profile image
Karlos99 in reply to 1Dar

Does the amitriptyline help you sleep? I ended up getting that prescribed yesterday and will try it tonight. My tinnitus doesn’t really bother me anymore but my insomnia is chronic. I’m never tired and can go days without sleep.

1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to Karlos99

Hi Karlos 99 .. yes I find the amitriptyline does help me sleep. I don’t know how. you can function without sleeping. I would be a mess!! Good that your tinnitus has gone though .

Karlos99 profile image
Karlos99 in reply to 1Dar

Managed to get some sleep with the amiltriptyline. Woke up a few times but just happy I managed some. I’d not slept for the previous 3 days so hoping this will help going forward.

With my tinnitus it’s not gone. It’s still there but because of habituation it doesn’t bother me like it used to. Thanks and good luck going forward.

1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to Karlos99

Wish I could habituate to the tinnitus , but I’ve had 8 operations on my ear so I experience lots of pain too. I try very hard not to let it get me down , but I don’t have much success I’m afraid. I do sleep well though which is a blessing. Keep well 🌞🌞🌞

1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to 1Dar

Hi how are you going with your sleep patterns ? I’m trying to habituate but it’s a hard slog. I have had way too much intervention. Over the years which has caused a lot of pain.just have to keep going !

1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to 1Dar

Aaaaaahhh I’m having a terrible day , can’t get the ringing down … just have to keep going. Any positive messages would be welcomed!

surreycccfan profile image

I have taken both (separately) and not had issues with my T with either

As people have said, everyone is different. I got some Zopiclone to help me sleep short term and it totally knocked me out but I woke up with very loud ringing in the morning, which thankfully went pretty quickly.

A specialist put me on Amitriptyline for TMJ pain, which worked a treat but I had the impression my ears were ringing more, plus it messed with my head and I hated it so I stopped.

I tried loads of natural ways of sleeping and strangely Twinings Sleep tea is the best thing I have tried. It took me a while to get there, doing box breathing or meditation before I went to bed but I can sleep all the way through now.

1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to PuddingChipsAndGravy

That’s great!,,,

1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to 1Dar

You are so lucky not to take medication at night … I can’t sleep without amitriptyline …. I also wish I could meditate ! Xxx

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