I dont have tinnitus (thank goodness) but my husband does. And I recently came across Cortexi which led me to other medications / supplements that are supposed to rid one of tinnitus. Before I think about plonking down money for anything, thought I would first ask I'd anyone has tried anything and if it helps/works. And if so, how much better is it for you? Thanks!
Do supplements help/work?: I dont have tinnitus... - Tinnitus UK
Do supplements help/work?

Hello, I’ve tried very many supplements over the years, and still take several,each day, but in my experience none of them have any effect on tinnitus whatsoever. That’s not to say they won’t affect your Husbands, everyone is different. The only thing that has been proven to work is Ginkgo and that’s only for a certain type of tinnitus and it has to be a particular type of Ginkgo. There was a study and trial in Germany, I’ve tried it and it does nothing.

Dietary supplements might help when someone's diet doesn't provide a broad spectrum of nutrients or vitamins. The case for them as tinnitus treatments is far from proven - products which advertise themselves as being helpful for tinnitus rarely provide credible evidence for this claim.
Some supplements might increase blood flow to the ear - which is great if fluctuations in blood circulation are felt to be a cause for someone's tinnitus. If that isn't what is prompting someone's tinnitus, then supplements are unlikely to materially change things, other than perhaps having a placebo effect.
adding to what’s been said, the ad on here for that product got taken down very quickly! At the mo, someone or several people have been posting ads about lots of supplements for different issues on here, the quicker they get reported and taken down the happier I am.
Spammers are amok and I'm awaiting Health Unlocked's advice on how we can politely show them the door.
As ever, my grateful thanks to anyone reporting any example of miracle CBD gubbins which pop up on the forum - this comes to my inbox, but more crucially a copy goes to HU as well.
I can delete the offending posts and limit the access of spammers but as a moderator I can't do much more than that. If HU can get a sense of where these posters are originating, they can block IP addresses and so forth.