Morning all I think my eustacian tube could be causing my high tinnitus and head discomfort.I did see an ent clinician at a local clinic but unfortunately I was focused on the T and didn't mention my suspicions re ETD.I feel as if my ear has water in it and I know its okay as I hade a hearing test in the clinic.Does anyone know how this can be treated at home or is it a case of me fighting to get a gp call.Thankyou.
EDT in right ear.: Morning all I think my... - Tinnitus UK
EDT in right ear.

Ethel, you haven’t had a reply to your post so I expect no one knows the answer! Go and see your pharmacist for help.
Hello, you can buy a device called an Otovent, it’s for ETD and fluid in the ear. You can get them from the Dr or buy them from Boots or Amazon. They aren’t expensive. I have one. It’s basically a balloon that you inflate using your nose.
Thank-you.Will defo look into that.Amazingly got a gp face to face at 3.40 today.I did exaggerate a tad to the triage nurse but didn't tell any lies.I did have an ear infection 2 weeks ago which really hasn't been resolved.Wish me luck.
Good luck, ask about the Otovent, you might get one free on prescription.
HibI had to wait an hour to get to see gp so was a bit stressed hence my BP was really high .He checked my ears and said they look fine so most of the chat was regarding the blood pressure.😌
I've just been put on BP pills, mine was sky high too. I was hoping the pills might reduce my tinnitus, but no luck so far, but I've only been taking them for 8 days, and my pressure is still higher than ideal. Unfortunately Drs are pretty hopeless when it comes to ears, in my experience.
Hi I've tried lots of bp meds they seem to work for a while I'm now back on Verapimil which I took during my arrhythmia. It did work tho have to see if it sets my ticker off again.Rampiril caused a rotten cough but it did work.What meds are you on?
At one time I thought I had ETD and I got (and still get sometimes) a wet feeling in my ear, like water is trickling down the canal. I now think it might be something to do with a tensed muscle in my ear relaxing. I saw a contraption in Boots that was supposedly for ETD but seemed expensive at nearly £100 for a piece of plastic - it might have been this:
Other than that, I think the usual advice is nasal sprays or holding your head under a towel over a bowl of steaming water.