I often see advice on this site, regarding tinnitus/dizziness/vertigo, to drink more water and wiuld like to know how this helps. I've currently got a momentus spike in tinnitus - same happened this time last year- i started Betahistine again to curb the vertigo (which is hovering in the background again) but i notice I feel dehydrated when I've been on the 16mgx3 daily dose for a few days. I wonder if advice to drink more is for people who are on this medication or whether it helps generally without medication. Also, can spikes be seasonal as Ive had a brilliant summer without any tinnitus vertigo or dizziness.
Drinking more water: I often see advice on this... - Tinnitus UK
Drinking more water

water. I was told by ent when consulting about vertigo that plenty of water helps. He gave me a long explanation which I understood at the time but I’ve forgotten the details
hello Nora,
As I am sure you must know we must “ all “ drink plenty of water generally at all times.. I think also if we are on medication this will make you more thirsty. I hope you feel a bit easier soon.
our bodies are 70% water so keeping hydrated is key to keeping us healthy
ive just started betahistine among my usual.meds and getting daily headaches.Maybe this is dehydration.
I took a concoction of Garlic, Ginger and Tumeric. It worked for me.
Thanks for the tip - will try it. what proportions do u use?
1 Teaspoon for each. Mix them in a cup of boiled water. I take a cup once at night. Im even off Betahistine. Hope that it works for you too.
Hi Nora.
Tinnitus can definitely worsen during allergy season. There is a known connection between allergies (especially Nasal Allergies) and tinnitus. If you have nasal allergies it is important that you manage them well. I highly recommend using a nasal flush twice/day, followed by two sprays of an antihistamine nasal inhalant....preferable prescription strength. And since you are taking betahistine you must use only nasal sprays....not oral antihistamine.
Drinking water during the day helps blood flow (by thinning blood) in the inner/outer ears and can be beneficial for tinnitus. It also helps betahistine be more effective.
Regarding betahistine....it is effective for vertigo symptoms for many folks with Meniere's Disease but not particularly effective for tinnitus. Betahistine does have side effects. It's very important to start at low dosage and titrate up to maintenance dose of 3 or 4 16mg/day. Beginning with 4mg three times/day for a couple weeks and increasing slowly over time should eliminate any side effects. And, as mentioned earlier in my note, do not use oral antihistamines with betahistine. Use ONLY nasal spray antihistamine.
good luck
Your note is very helpful especially from the antihistamine side of things and I will try nasal sprays in future. i had been doing so well this past year and I know iv'e been fortunate to have had some respite from vertigo and tinnitus but when it hits again, my whole body seems out of sync as it feels like being on high alert mode all the time. The tinnitus is so severe at present that its as if its reverberating through my tummy and legs. Doc put me on 16mg of Betahistine 3xdaily. I stopped taking it to see if it is the drug that makes me feel like this but I'm not sure of the outcome yet as the T is so powerful. Ive been good at coping with it as iv'e coped before by accepting it but it is such a challenge - as we sufferers know! What other symptoms are u aware of while taking Betahistine? Do you, or anyone else reading this, have had symptoms like mine? Sorry - this has turned into an epistle!
ps - yes i do get fullness in my ears intermittently - especially at the onset of this particular episode last Saturday in the middle of the night. I also get a vein in my neck throbbing upwards on opposite side of my neck when vertigo started. I had fallen asleep on sofa and had lain on the opposite side I usually sleep on so wondered if the inner ear crystals had shifted which caused the vertigo.
Tanney, hi,this is interesting for me as well - my tinnitus has been getting heavily worse this year, and I've also been diagnosed with a deviated septum which needs correcting anyway - I'm wondering as I really struggle to find a cause whether my deviated septum could be linked to my tinnitus. I'd be interested if you could point out any research/evidence please. TIA.
Tanney, additionallyi do spray my nose with Beconase twice a day as advised by ENT, and use the nasal washes, but I experience nose bleeds frequently when washing so have to limit their usage.
Hi Tal. I'm sorry but I do not have any personal experience with deviated septum. I know a lot about vertigo and tinnitus because I've suffered with bilateral Meniere's Disease for 40 years and have seen some of the best ENT doctors in USA. My above advice to Nora is based on their recommendations and my personal experiences only. I am not a medical professional.
tanney, thank you for your reply. Appreciate your comments a d position a d understand in relation to your medical position. Im suffering from24/7 loud ringing tinnitus with no help from UK medical profession, both private and public. The only possible I have is that I know I have a deviated septum, I'm somewhere on the blisteringly long waiting list for an operation, and I suffer heavily with my sinuses. Changing part of my exercise routine may be putting pressure on my sinuses so I'm changing this to see if Tinnitus calms down whilst I wait (and wait, and wait) for an operation.....(sorry my frustrations with NHS in UK coming through). So if I can find anyone with any similar experiences I can at least have a glimmer of hope that the operation may help me out of my
Was it an ENT doctor that started you at 16mg three times/day? My experience has shown that you need to start at a much lower dose......as I mentioned above. I suggest the following:
4mg three times/day for two weeks, then
8mg three times/day for two weeks, then
12 mg three times/day for two weeks, then
16 mg three times/day for maintenance. then if you still get vertigo, take it four times/day. I take 16mg four times/day and followed the above regime and had absolutely no side effects and the vertigo started to diminish after the first 4 weeks and I have not had a vertigo attack in the past 8 years. I have bilateral (both ears) Meniere's Disease. Don't forget my note above regarding betahistine: it does not work for tinnitus in vast majority of folks....it more likely will work for your vertigo.
As you probably know, stress makes tinnitus worse. And apparently you have a high level of stress. I've found that taking 0.5mg of Ativan (under my tongue) once or twice a day will lower tinnitus.
Also, do you have ear fullness and any hearing loss? Have you had a hearing test?
Its so kind of you to reply and it is helpful advice. Yes I went to ENT, have had vestibular tests and also CT scan of head and have a hearing aid for my affected ear. One consultant suggests I have onset Meniere's but another consultant says not. I was given the 16x3 daily dose by the consultant at that time.
I drink lots of water all day long, always have but I still have tinnitus. Interesting point you raise on whether seasons affect symptoms. My tinnitus has been fairly constant all year but my dizziness has only just come back the last week or so.
I developed a rushing water sound and had balance issues, saw an ENT in January 2021, hearing test okay, was prescribed Betahistine and Flurazine, said all would be gone in two months. No change whatsoever. Balance issues continued and was put down to hip and knee replacements so had lots of physiotherapy. I finally decided to see a Neurologist and had an MRI in August past. Surprise ... I have had multiple mini strokes unbeknownst to me and I am now on Atorvastaton 40mg but I just cut back to 20mg. I have a neck scan on the 14th and see the Neurologist in the 15th December (my choice because of I want a specific location or could get it sooner).
I must point out I am in Portugal and health care is better here and I am pleased I was not in the UK when I had all my medical issues.