Has anybody used any ear buds that help with tinnitus/ hearing issues that they can recommend - I'm looking at IQBuds atm and would welcome any suggestions.
Has anybody used any ear buds that help with tinnitus/ hearing issues that they can recommend - I'm looking at IQBuds atm and would welcome any suggestions.
DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT EAR BUDS . Don’t go down that road . It’s not advisable at all.
Can you elaborate on that for me....?
Yes , for many years I stupidly used ear buds/cotton buds into my ears to help clear my ears and thinking I was cleaning them . I am convinced that 18 months ago that it was the ear buds that damaged my ear and gave me the start of tinnitus. It’s just a big mistake as far as I’m concerned..
The British tinnitus association website has a section on potential treatments but I cannot see these listed there. On the assumption that you’re in the UK,, give them a ring on 0800 018 0527. But as rabbits has said, putting things in the ear (other than hearing aids) isn’t normally a good idea. For starters, this makes the ear think there is a problem and will produce more wax and potentially more noise.
Hi markfg I've read about IQBuds but I've not tried them . As Happyrosie says I'd ask the BTA for their opinion and - if you do try them - let us know how you go .
My daughter bought me some, but I found the material they were made from irritated my ears (caused itching) , so couldn't get on with them which was a shame as they definitely helped me in busy environments
Thanks Mer-maid, I hadn't considered that. Were they relatively easy to deal with day-to-day ?
Yes simple just pop them in and out as you like and give them a wipe over, that was it really. Was just a shame as I say that they didn't suit me. They were comfortable and smooth but my ears didn't like them sadly.
I bought a pair of the Boss sleep buds when I first got tinitus thinking they would be good for masking.
I only used them once though.
My tinitus is uneven, so it's usually louder in my left ear, but not always.
When it's louder in that ear, it gives the impression that the noise is next to my head.
The problem with the ear buds is that it moves that noise to the middle, which I find more annoying.
That's the only reason I didn't like them.
I have not personally used them what are you using them for e.g. help to sleep, sound therapy day to day, etc.?