I have recently started to experience muscle jerks when my body is falling asleep. This is following a perfect storm of worse sleep while on holiday (I already have a disrupted cycle of sleep but it is regular), spike in my T (which I have had for approx 8 weeks and actually had been habituating well) course of antibiotics for infection and resultant side effects), hearing very sad news about friend - all leading to increased anxiety and severe impact on sleep. However though I have managed to control my T at night with strategies etc my anxiety increased due to the muscles spasms. After a horrendous night of anxiety attacks and fear of falling asleep due to the muscle jerks - with of course T in the back ground ready to pop in and join the fun - GP prescribed diazepam. As I haven’t taken before and don’t know how will affect me I decided to try another night and control the anxiety etc and did really well - less muscle jerks. However last night the muscle jerks occurred every time my body felt it was falling asleep and I wasn’t experiencing anxiety. This happened all night. My T did pop into the picture at one point but sorting out different mask helped and it was the muscle jerks affecting my sleep. Having done some research I am assuming all the above has just put incredible stress on my body - and looks like lack of sleep and anxiety may lead to muscle jerks. I also have tingling in arms and hands (below elbows) and in legs and feet (below knees). Tingling sensation isn’t new and I have been seeing osteopath regularly. But has generally just been in feet. It became more wide spread a few days ago when all this started. And while muscle jerks were initially mainly in legs and arms (related to tingling?) it is now completely random muscles each time a jerk happens. Am going to take the diazepam tonight as am wondering if will help to break the cycle as should help with sleep , anxiety and is muscle relaxant. I have tried Epsom baths last couple of nights but didn’t have in bath last night as not sure if can have every night? I may be low in magnesium? Have ordered multivitamins and probiotics. Have GP appointment Tuesday. Has anyone else experienced muscle jerks when falling asleep? Any suggestions to help with this symptom would be very welcome.
Muscle jerks when falling asleep: I have... - Tinnitus UK
Muscle jerks when falling asleep
Hi, sorry to hear about this, I have not had these muscle spasms and I think investigating with your GP is spot on. One thing I know which helps me when I struggle to sleep (either with my T or being anxious) is to exercise in the day so I am physically tired when I go to bed which helps me to fall asleep more quickly. Normal sleep hygienetinnitus.org.uk/tinnitus-we... routine tips as well . Good luck with your GP
Thank you surreycccfanI am trying to keep busy (currently in middle of mowing the grass) and trying to keep positive -as in it too shall pass and is just for now. It’s always just that one more thing that tips the balance - just catching you unawares when you have been managing well. That tricky thing mind and body and the effects of anxiety. It doesn’t help that I wake regularly normally - as have to reset myself each time. It would definitely help if once I was asleep that would be it until morning!!
I can empathise both sleep and anxiety is such a part of the T journey. If I can offer any hope, I know when I felt like this, I would use the APPLE behavioral technique. I would Pause, take a breath, step back and reflect on my thoughts/feelings. If they were unhelpful (anxious, etc.) I would reflect and reframe those thoughts into something more objective/positive. I think we all have a natural negative bias which can add to worry and anxiety, in regards to reframing I would say you are doing all the right things, you are seeing your GP and as you get tests, etc. you will progress to finding why you have the muscle spasms and this is OK there is nothing more you can do. I know the reframing takes energy but I found it really helpful in managing anxiety and moving towards habituation for my T. Best of luck
Thanks again - have looked up APPLE. I know the anxiety thought is there that the muscle jerk will happen. Got to just accept - which I tried to do last night - that if it happens it happens and to just reset and try again. Problem was even when I was calm and relaxed and had done my breathing etc - it still happened!! But I will admit that I had gone to bed thinking that I hadn’t had Epsom salts in the bath and would things work the same as the night before… so I know I wasn’t as calm at the start of the night.
I experienced exactly the same during the hight of my night time anxiety, I was getting no sleep, and it was just making everything worse. At the recommendation of my Dr I started taking 10 mg of amitriptyline (a small dose) a few hours before bed. This helped from day one, I was on the amitriptyline for a few months and I’ve now come off it. I’m sleeping very well at night now.
Hi AllieI have used amitriptyline in the past - for sleep and anxiety which has always helped. I was prescribed again at my request at the onset of my tinnitus but then was reading posts about antidepressants and whether it may impact T and hearing etc. So actually controlled the anxiety myself and was able to move forwards with my T. I did actually take the diazepam last night after another call to online GP - and high anxiety about taking it!! Still had some muscle jerks and waking up regularly but I did have some sleep and I imagine it took the edge off - particularly later during the night. Will chat to doctor Tuesday as am inclined to restart amitriptyline for a short period just to get the anxiety and sleep pattern back on track. It’s weighing up the need at the time and while I can sleep with my T I can’t with the muscle jerks. Is good to hear that you were experiencing them too and that they have now gone. Menopause and hormonal changes - have caused the original sleep issue and chronic stress (work, covid pandemic and life events) - so am trying to work on that too. Stress hormones are not helpful in anyway at this time.
This is exactly where I am at currently. The thoughts of permanent tinnitus have sent me into a horrible place. The anxiety attacks/muscle jerks and continued insomnia every night are killing me slowly. Really affecting my job and life in general. No sleep means no respite and your brain and body does not heal. I commute on a motorcycle and many times I think about putting myself under a lorry. No one really understands except other sufferers.
Hi Newbie71
I am really sorry to hear you are really struggling. I don’t know what sounds or T impact you are experiencing but I was on a habituation journey with no anxiety (still poor sleep but not due to tinnitus) so it does seem to be a bit of a process. I decided that if my T was going to be long term then I had to do something about it - so full research, support group, use of strategies really worked. Key for me was reducing my anxiety around my T as the fear just feeds everything. My original muscle jerks one night I think were due to body exhaustion - after a few nights of extra poor sleep ( not actually T related) but then I had a T spike - cue even worse sleep for a couple of nights while trying to bring in strategies to manage it again - combined with feeling naff on antibiotics and then the jerks started again and cue the anxiety re the jerks especially as they happen just as I am actually falling asleep!! Are you using any sound masking to cope with your T? have you tried the oto app? It has access to CBT practices for tinnitus and really useful info. Have found very helpful since going through my current spike which again has reduced using strategies and techniques. Is the muscle jerks causing my current insomnia but will have been result of being run down and exhausted and then fuelled by anxiety. It’s the thoughts that don’t help. - mine about what if the muscle jerks continue!! Which just fuels the anxiety. But they are just thoughts not facts. Have just been looking at ‘sleepstation.org.uk’ which offers CBT for insomnia and sleep issues. Have messaged to ask whether they work with tinnitus/anxiety/menopause symptoms!! You can get a NHS referral if your surgery subscribes or are an NHS worker or member of professional body. But there are also specific CBT courses for T which you might find helpful. Others have posted positively about CBT and there is this availability on the Oto app and Maybe other apps when you subscribe. I’m also starting some work on managing anxiety through a 6 week counselling service through HSF which my work provides in the basic package through HSF assist. I’m just trying to use all strategies at the moment to give my body time to rest and recover and reduce my anxiety. You may have heard of all this already but take care.
Hi Newbie71
I understand it can be really hard to stay positive and feel you are moving forwards. Please call the Samaritans/Crisis if you need to. I didn’t realise you had originally posted 9 months ago. Take care.
That’s ok Mags. It’s very odd as sometimes my T is not there. It’s not I’m habituating it’s just not there. Last week i had 3 days of quiet then bam it’s on again. I think the worse part of constantly on edge waiting for it’s return. Does it come back ? Am I cured? For me that means I cant relax and anxiety/panic attacks ensure.
Hi Newbie71I can understand that - the uncertainty. Am experiencing that in a way with the muscle jerks - the waiting to see if it happens - cue thoughts re tonight! And I was back to beginning when I had a t spike recently and the anxiety spiked etc etc. And you are having regular spikes so I can see how that can be really difficult to manage. I have spent a number of years attending an Alanon support group and I know that what I have learnt there is really helping me now. I can’t control my t only how I react to it - easier said than done - I know. I knew spikes were a thing and then it happened. And the body and life tends to just keep throwing things into the mix! Just when you think you are moving forwards. I’m trying to build up my mental reserves with mindfulness and CBT (though as my t is more manageable now I have already slipped with this…need to get back on track. And to have my resources and strategies ready to hand for when I need them. My osteopath recommends meditation every time I see him as this has really helped him - and yet I still put off following up. Must listen to my next Oto app lesson……!
Take care
I only occasionally get a muscle jerk - normal one of my legs/feet. When I read up on it before it just said something like your brain is still checking you're alive. Most likely nothing to worry about but of course talk to your doctor as it will stop you worrying about things further. I don't think from what I've read it's anything to do with T but I too suffer badly from lack of sleep (as a result of T) so that may explain it. It's happened when I've been sitting in a chair and falling asleep so the angle has perhaps partly caused it as opposed to laying on my side or fully flat on my back. There's an article here about them:healthline.com/health/hypna...
I hope you get the clarification you need.
Also some meds can lead to worse anxiety etc. so it's worth looking at possible side effects.
Thank you for the link. I had read up about them but was more brief so that was really helpful. I had assumed that they had started due to poor sleep ( not due to T - as this wasn’t the issue at the time. And then reappeared due to even worse sleep due to T spike leading to exhausted body and mind. And then of course anxiety about the jerks!! So it does all make sense. Hopefully if I can just calm the mind …… all will settle.
Hi Mags
What you describe is exactly what I went through six months ago. It is a vicious circle. I think the muscle jerks are a result of lack of quality sleep which then prevent sleep. I told myself not to worry about them and in time broke the cycle. I still get them from time to time but they don’t upset me so much.
I too get the tingling in my feet and occasionally in my hands. Saw a neurologist and had an MRI on my spine but nothing conclusive. I think it may be related to diet as it comes and goes and have experimented with supplements such as vitamin B complex and magnesium as well as vitamin D not sure if any of it has been effective. The T is constant. I am becoming more convinced that it may all be related to some kind of nerve damage or a pinched nerve somewhere as it all seems connected. It started for me about three years ago with a stiff neck, then came the tingling (peripheral neuropathy), then the T and then the muscle jerks and lack of sleep.
Now I am just learning to live with it all and not to worry about. (Easier said than done). I tell myself it’s just the reality of being middle aged (42).
I was on diazepam years ago for anxiety and found it helped in the short term. These days I try to avoid tranquillisers but do like a drink now and again to take the edge off.
Hi Barnabas
Thanks for your reply. It has been really helpful to hear others experiences. I am going with that mindset as it really helps with my tinnitus so in theory should with the muscle jerks too. Fortunately I’m still on summer hols at moment (i work in a school) so have got a bit of time to just try and rest and recover and just take it day by day.
Thanks to all that have posted - have felt very supported. Hope I can do the same.
Yes my daughter works as a teaching assistant and like you is appreciating the rest in these school holidays . She seems to suffer a lot of anxieties . Now I don’t suffer with muscle jerks but I do suffer from panicky feelings and I put this down to living on my own . I might wake up a few times in the night with this horrible panicky feeling in my stomach. I didn’t get any of this before I started tinnitus . It sounds to me as if this T is the culprit of many sins . We all have an on going battle which I am sure we will all win . I am reading the book recommended on here by others called “ Tinnitus “ from Tyrant to friend. By Julian Cowan Hill . Well worth reading . 😊
Hi Rabbit
It seems to be that anxiety initially comes as part of our reaction to Tinnitus and our bodies fight and flight reaction and it also has a sneaky way of appearing even when we don’t think we are anxious! But I think our minds/bodies are just hyper aware. My daughter also suffers - hers is related to feeling ill and then anxiety that it could be something bad ( she does have reason as has had issues re health). She is receiving help at the moment. I have had periods of anxiety in past related to life events. Each time I have come through and though at height of anxiety and fear it is awful - I have to believe it will pass. I had a much better night last night. My osteopath uses meditation tools and has been suggesting for a while that I try - and I am actually finding audio sleep meditations including breathing really helpful at night. I use to help me go to sleep and also when I wake in the night. Just to help refocus away from my T and any flutters of anxiety and reset for sleep. Take care xxx
Glad you had a better night. Please try and get that book.
Tinnitus from Tyrant to Friend. Julian Cowan Hill, he says it’s our damaged nervous system causing our “ T”. He explains how we can help ourselves over all this .
Hi Mags,
I think you may be onto something about the relationship between magnesium and muscle spasm. Particularly the balance between magnesium, calcium and vitamin D. Have a look at this article, if you have not read it already:
I found that a magnesium/calcium combo worked extraordinarily well for me when over several years my heartbeat became intermittently fluttery and very slow, owing to the effect of other (essential) medication. I found out from reading about it that magnesium can affect muscles and deficiency causes them to spasm. It's important to get the dosage and balance right between magnesium and calcium (and vit. D). Don't overdo the calcium. Ionic magnesium supplement or a foot soak product is reckoned to be best. Amazon sell both types. It's impossible to overdose magnesium absorption with a foot soak.
Cardiologists know about this relationship, whereas GPs might not be quite so well informed - or persuaded!
I hope this provides some additional food for thought for you.
Very interesting read. Thank you. I will give this a try as I have really bad muscle spasms, cramps and twitches. I also have bouts of irregular heartbeats.
Thanks bridgeit - Yes - that is what I understand re magnesium and calcium and vit D. I had a blood test in July which checked calcium vit b12 blood sugars etc. All were fine so this time GP said don’t need to check again. When I asked asked about magnesium levels she said they don’t get checked. So I don’t know whether I am deficient or not. Though I also understand that chronic stress can deplete levels!! So am now taking multivitamins and have been reading up and improving my diet - making sure I am eating food rich in vitamins and minerals etc - for menopause too as this is definitely at play here as well. Plus Epsom baths - just to give my body a boost or a replenish. Gp has recommended short low dose course (couple of weeks) of amitriptyline as well. Wary about taking magnesium supplement on own as it does interplay with calcium as you say and I don’t actually know if I am deficient. Plus of course working on reducing the anxiety and improving the sleep. So Actually had best night sleep so far!! Fell asleep to audio sleep meditation with accompanying sound mask for T. When woke up in night - Tried to resettle but big leg jerk. So got up and went through stretches given by osteopath. Then put on audio story instead with T sound mask - and told myself that I was listening to story rather than sleeping - so just went with any muscle jerks that happened and fell asleep again!!
So fingers crossed all the above will help to rebalance what my body needs and lead to better sleep and more relaxed mind and body.
Having replied and then read the article!! it was very helpful - thank you. Will also look into magnesium cream lotion too. Explains maybe why they don’t check magnesium in blood tests. But GP was definitely not interested when I queried I could be deficient in magnesium - despite my muscle spasms and tingling in arms and legs - though I know that can be nerve compression too.
I'm not medically trained, but I suggest you might try the magnesium flakes and soak your feet as per packet instructions for one week's course. If magnesium deficiency is the root of your trouble, you should feel an improvement within that week.
Here's a link to a product I personally like; there are others out there too:
The expert advice is that we cannot overdose magnesium with a foot soak. Our body will just absorb what it needs and leave the rest.
Good luck!
Hi Mags, sorry t0o hear your story.. I had through all the things you described ... whene I had T back ... before 6 months (had it before .. but it went by itself .. twice.. and came back 6 months ago .. still tell now) ... I was so panicked ... when I try to sleep I had a Muscle jerk ... it wake me up .. in the second my mind going to sleep... in that second my body wakes me (Muscle jerk) I spent more than 36 hours no sleep ... tried herbles to relax ... didnt work ... tow days without any minut of sleep .. I tried "vabin" ...half one ...slept for 4 or 5 hours ... didnt want to take pills to sleep ... the nexf day didnt take any... still no sleep... the Muscle jerk wont stop ... another two days without sleep ... so for a week or tow... I took half pill (vabin) every tow days ... and after 2 weeks I tried a srtong herbal pill insted of chimicals ... didnt work at the begining but after I took "vabin" for 2 weeks .. it started to afect me (the herbal pill ) , took them for less than a week...then I tried to sleep with no pills at all .. and finally succeded ...
It is important to help your brain and your body to relax ... take diazepam.. it will help you (the pill I took was stronger.. I took half) ...
Try it for a week ..then try herbal pills ...it might help too ... but not at first ...at first you need strong pill ...
Wish you the best ... sorry for the spelling errors