I feel like am losing my hearing.. This might sound crazy but it actually true.. I had drug induced tinnitus abt six months ago but still on medication.. Abt a week ago i start noticing that i cant hear some sounds that well again even when interacting with my friends its pretty difficult to understand what they say or speak.. Its really causing me high level distress and anxiety. Cos they say ototoxic medication can make someone deaf and am scared as hell
Does tinnitus causes deafness: I feel like am... - Tinnitus UK
Does tinnitus causes deafness

If the symptoms have suddenly appeared rather than come on gradually then it maybe something like Eustachian tube dysfunction or 'glue ear' (fluid or mucous behind the ear drum) which could be down to a viral infection (if it was Covid-19 then other symptoms would show as well). You could try a hot compress against your ear to soften the mucus or breathing in steam through your mouth and nose with a couple of drops of Olbas oil. One thing you must do is not get stressed out as this weakens your immune system as your body produce cortisol that suppresses it making it harder to fight off virus infections. Also, try making an appointment with an audiologist where they can measure your hearing perception at different frequencies to determine if you need a hearing aid.

Hi Frank
Medications with ototoxic side effects have been strongly linked with damage to the ear, but not all medications are ototoxic. A medication being linked with ototoxicity is one part of the equation - the dosage level you are taking and the time period that you are taking the medication for may also play a part in determining whether the medication is a key contributor to tinnitus or part of a wider picture.
The best way to judge whether you are losing your hearing would be to schedule a hearing test with your hospital's audiology department or a private audiology practice - at the moment, that will be more difficult to do as we navigate the uncertain waters of COVID-19 and hospital services are pivoting to respond. Bear in mind that tinnitus is a symptom of conditions like hearing loss, rather than something which itself causes hearing loss.
Try to be positive in the meanwhile and to do what you can to constructively manage any anxiety and stress which you are feeling - our website has some updated advice for people living with tinnitus in the current social climate:
I hope this helps.
You could try using olive oil drops to clean your ear from wax and if it doesn't help maybe get a hearing test when safe to do so due to the virus.
You might notice louder tinnitus with reduced hearing and could pick up sound from your caroted artery.

Yeah mine is very loud and my hearing somehow diminished.. Datz why am anxious i might losing my hearing..