I am undiagnosed - what next?: Hi - I have only... - Tinnitus UK

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I am undiagnosed - what next?

Footballer58 profile image
24 Replies

Hi - I have only gradualy begun to belive I have tinnitus? I began hearing a whistle or high pitched hum at nights now it seems to be everytime there is silence in the room the noise overpowers my brian? I do seem to be able to blosk it out to a degree by breathing excercises or just playing music or similar in headphones that covers it, I have had an ongoing sinus probelem for 2 / 3 years now - is that contributory? I read that there is nothing can be done for the condition anyway - is that true? If so why go to the Doctors? How did other people begin to get the symptoms please and what did you do as first then subsequent actions please?

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Footballer58 profile image
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24 Replies
Whine profile image

Regular readers look away now;- you have heard it all before.

Footballer58 --- Welcome to the club. Keep reading this forum, join the BTA, join a local Tinnitus Support Group, and beware expensive 'guaranteed results' or anecdotal stories about amazing responses to various treatment regimes. Good Luck!

Robert1961 profile image
Robert1961 in reply to Whine

Hiya it's best to get cheek out by doc it's true thare my be nothing they can do but best to go

Footballer58 profile image
Footballer58 in reply to Robert1961

Thank you - awaiting appointment

cjb2 profile image

I had the same sinus problems last summer and did go to the doctor several times where I was having difficulty sleeping because of the Tinnitus. However, it had turned out to be a Eustacian tube infection (the duct between the middle ear and the back of your mouth) to equalise the air pressure on either side) and it was thought that it was the catarrh that was pressing on the auditory nerve and hence triggering the signal which is the ringing sound. It had taken about a month to get rid of if which it did in the end but I had done it by steaming out my nostrils and sucking to create a vacuum to remove the build-up of catarrh. Also I had used a hot compress which I would put that in the microwave to try and liquify the catarrh build-up and the symptoms did finally ease. In the meantime, you could use sound replacement therapy played through a pillow to mask the sound of the tinnitus. The other important aspect is to avoid stress and make sure that your mineral and vitamins intake is up to the prescribed values. If this is what you have got then try it as it had worked for me.

Footballer58 profile image
Footballer58 in reply to cjb2

Thank you CJB2 - that is a wonderful help God bless you -its driving me nuts! I am at the doctors today ..

Mille23 profile image
Mille23 in reply to cjb2

I have the same problems, I got tinnitus after a middle Ear infection almost 4 years ago. The doctors cannot help me. They have given me the diagnosis dysfunction of the eustacian tubes due to my symptoms. Tinnitus is 24/7 and it is very loud. I cannot unclog my ears. I use steaming with peppermint oil .

How was it recognized that you had infection/ catarrh of the eustacian tubes , by examination ?

cjb2 profile image
cjb2 in reply to Mille23

I still have some level of Tinnitus but it was no way as bad as I had it last summer which incidentally was a Coronavirus infection (not the Chinese Co-Vid 19 version that is making the headlines at the moment). However since then I have used what is termed as 'audio brain training' using white or brown noise where this allows the brain to put the tinnitus sound as background noise. There are various apps that produce these high pitched sounds and eventually you don't know the Tinnitus. I would suggest that you carry on using hot compresses and breathing in steam as well as sucking to temporarily reduce and then increase the air pressure in your middle ear where this can dislodged any stubborn catarrh. It takes time to get this to work so be patient with it.

Mille23 profile image
Mille23 in reply to cjb2

Thank you for your reply🌼

Lilly200 profile image
Lilly200 in reply to cjb2


I've got ETD also, I've had it since a sinus infection 15 months ago I also had blocked earwax in my left side and a rumbling vibrating noise that I could hear and feel.

The noise thankfully disappeared after about 3 months when my infection cleared but I still have the fullness, bunged up ears, the disorientation and the occasional high pitched ring in either ear and I have to manually pop my ears

I have for the past 3 weeks had a bad chest infection which has brought on the noise again.....as you can imagine I'm panicking a bit now....ive been to see my gp who assures me it will go once my infection clears but I'm still worried.

I have started steaming but can I ask what you mean by 'sucking' and this may sound silly but where did you put the heat pack?

cjb2 profile image
cjb2 in reply to Lilly200

It is difficult to explain what this 'sucking' is but what I had tried was to seal my mouth and reduce the air pressure in my lungs by breathing out of my nose only for a couple of seconds before breathing back in again through your nose. It does make yours ear pop but this is due to pressure on the outside of your eardrum being higher than inside. However you first need to do the heat treatment either by steaming your mouth and nose and the microwave heat pack (used for muscle cramps) as the catarrh that would be blocking your Eustacian tubes become less viscous (more runny). With the process of breathing in and out, I had found that it gradually sucked out the looser catarrh. Remember that your Eustacian tubes are only about 3mm in diameter so the warmer that you can bear to loosen the guitar helps without burning yourself and their whole purpose is to simply balance the air pressure on either side of your ear drums. If it is a Coronavirus infection (not the Co-Vid 19 that is making the headlines at the moment) then it can take about 4 to 6 weeks to clear for your body especially if it is the common cold but a chest infection could come from anything

I don't know which country you live but in the UK, I had brought one of the microwable heat packs from Sainsburys in the medicines and health department. I had done this for about two weeks and the conditions had eased.

Lilly200 profile image
Lilly200 in reply to cjb2

Thank you for your reply, I'm in the UK so will purchase the heat pack you suggested.

I have been steaming for the past week but that doesn't seem to have helped on it's own.

I'm also using Nasofan spray, which again doesn't help much apart from keeping my nasal passages clear.

I'm getting a bit fed up now as 15 months feeling absolutely rubbish sucks! Then the noise coming back makes me feel like I'm back at square 1. Thank you for your help it's much appreciated

cjb2 profile image
cjb2 in reply to Lilly200

The heat pack goes on your ears.

Colleen_The_BTA profile image

Hello Footballer58 and welcome to the British Tinnitus Association forum.

Do feel free to ask any questions, I hope that you find this a helpful and supportive place to help you manage your tinnitus.

We have some resources that you might like to check out in addition to our home here:

tinnitus.org.uk (information and support details)

takeontinnitus.co.uk (free tinnitus management programme)

If you’d like to sign up to receive ‘Focus’, our new free monthly e-newsletter, you can sign up at tinnitus.org.uk/forms/conta...

Helpline 0800 018 0527 (Monday-Friday 9am-5pm) (outside the UK you can call +44 (0)114 250 9922)

We also offer a new web chat service at tinnitus.org.uk/helpline. If you are seeking an online ‘safe space’ to talk about your tinnitus? We're here to offer real time support, exactly when you need it. We listen, advise or direct, whilst engaging with you one to one when you are unable to make a call. We want you to feel you are able to communicate at your own pace in your own space confidentially with one of our Helpline Advisors who are on hand to look after you and answer any questions you may have around tinnitus. Simply click on the icon called 'We are here!' at the bottom right corner of the screen to start your chat.

Kind regards

Colleen, Information Manager

Footballer58 profile image
Footballer58 in reply to Colleen_The_BTA

Thank you Colleen, already the propspect of 24 / 7 no cure is depressing me, but lets see??

Colleen_The_BTA profile image
Colleen_The_BTA in reply to Footballer58

Keep going...it will get easier over time. Try keep being positive and take positive good advice from those that have reached out to you:)

Joeb17 profile image

Sorry to hear you have probably got T yes there is no cure yet but there are was to try to help manage it some ways work for some people and don’t work for some so look on this forum there are thins to try I know it’s hard but keep positive don’t let the T win on this forum there are people who can help you you are not alone I know what you are going through I have T in both ears 24/7 for over 6 years now some day the T wins but I keep on.

Be strong talk to your family and friends about it if they don’t understand get them to look it up on the web on some sites there are sound clips of examples of T find one that matches yours then get them to listen to it on headphones then they will understand what we all are going through and be more supportive to you.

Gook luck


Footballer58 profile image
Footballer58 in reply to Joeb17

Thank you very helpful

T-shirts profile image

Hi, yes it does sound like Tinnitus, unfortunately, but you should ask your own doctor to send you to ear nose and throat doctor, as they will do other tests that your own GP won't be able to do, a hearing test, and other tests would be done, also to give you peace of mind, good luck to you, glad your music masks it, you should get offered Maskers, ask about these, they will help you during the day, unless you are ok then, take care,

Rustreloaded profile image
Rustreloaded in reply to T-shirts

This is really interesting to know, I didn't realise that other tests were available, all the ENT did for me was look in my ears, and tell me that unless the T is caused by a tumour there's nothing they can do. He did refer me for an MRI to rule out a structural cause which came back clear and then discharged me into the care of the audiologist for condition management. After nearly a year of waiting for my ENT appointment I was in and out of there in less than 5 minutes.

emily62 profile image

I am sorry to hear that you have tinnitus.

Please visit your doctor you may still have an infection or inflammation present.

You say you have had this for three-years. I think you need to be seen at an ENT clinic by a consultant

All best wishes


Rustreloaded profile image

Hi Footballer58, sorry to hear you have T, but you've taken the first step in reporting it to your GP, I hope they can help. I think the positive is that you've had gradual onset T, my audiologist tells me that's easier to manage than sudden onset. I would echo the guidance given earlier - avoid stress and getting overtired (not easy with the latter if the T keeps you awake) as they can both really exacerbate the condition.

Yogijo profile image

Have a look at Take on Tinnitus and the British Tinnitus Association website for reliable information



You can also contact them via their website or helpline if you want to ask for advice about tinnitus.

Tinnitus can be caused by a number of different things so it can be worth seeing your GP. Also worth having a hearing test with an audiologist - Boots and Specsavers offer them. Tinnitus is often linked to some degree of hearing loss and if that’s the case then hearing aids may help. Just because there isn’t an actual ‘cure’ it doesn’t mean that there aren’t things that can be done to make it less of an issue.

HissingSid profile image

Hopefully you'll have seen your GP now and been referred to a local NHS audiologist. Go through that route as private companies will charge you for hearing aids and supply of batteries. Boots and Specsavers etc are best avoided in my view. I was seen by an audiologist in my local NHS hospital and did the hearing test which only proved my hearing loss was mild. I told the audiologist about my ringing noises in both ears (mine was noise induced ringing from working in a dockyard and from attending live music events). Initially I was given a single hearing aid which only helped to pick up local noises to distract me. A few years later the ringing got louder so I rang up the audiology department and this time I got 2 hearing aids each with masking sounds to help combat my tinnitus. These work well at home and outdoors as I become distracted from my tinnitus by clearly picking up sounds of my radio at home and noises of traffic and nature when walking outdoors. Wearing of the aids at night in bed is not advised so try listening to the free sounds on apps like Chillax and Atmosphere. Good luck!

Footballer58 profile image


Thanks that seems sound advice! Thank you. I see the specialist on Wednesday this week.

My main concern currently is that it is both ears 24/7 but that I can filter it out during the daily routine of work but cannot simply cannot do that when trying to sleep. Hence I am i. A bit of a mess...

Your advice seems great esp about the hearing aids out there....

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