I know I should give this time but -
I have just got my hearing aid for my deaf ear - my tinnitus is not unbearable or really that intrusive- but my hearing loss does impact on my day to day work / life. I still find that although my hearing aid amplifies the sound - I still can't understand the speech going into that ear and that the amplified background noises are really distracting ( like I can hear shopping trolleys being pushed far away - but can't hear a woman ask me a question next to me?) I have my hearing aid on trial from NHS - so it has not cost me anything- but I don't know what I should do next as I was not given a follow up date! I was told by a high street audiologist that a hearing aid would not help my problem as she suspected a damaged cochlea - but ENT were insistent I tried a hearing aid! In the mean time I am waiting yet again for neurology as ENT said my balance issues were not their department! So frustrating!!!