i hate coming on here and telling people how distressed i am, but iv just had my 1 year anniversary and i still feel panicked and distressed by the noise, iv done a mindfulness(which i still practice) 8 week course CBT, seen julian cowen hill , i am just starting TRT with Jaci Sheldrake, why cant i stop responding in a negative way? there is no quality of life when you are in distress........
will i ever get used to this?: i hate coming on... - Tinnitus UK
will i ever get used to this?
Hi Hazy
It takes time my friend. Some people take longer than others. I was about 15mths in before I got past the panic stage.
If you've had sessions with Cowan-Hill and you're doing TRT w/ Jacqui Sheldrake then you've got a couple of tinnitus rock-stars on your side in trying to deal with it - those are 2 of the 'big names' in T management in the UK. As far as I understand it, TRT is a long term affair, but is generally accepted to be the most effective way of treating tinnitus yet known, so fingers crossed you will start seeing some benefit before too long. I'd love to hear how you get on with it in time.
I know I've said it before, but one day at a time buddy.
Thanks Rudd, iv been coping better this last month but this week, the feeling of panic / fear have been overwhelming me again feel like I am back a square 1 again, its so disheartening .... thought id have my life back 1 year on ...sadly not the case back to 1 day at a time......
Hi hazy. I can help you. I have a great PDF course whixh if you follow it I am confident you will get in control. The work comes from.yourself though m you just follow it.properly.
Hi Hazy,
Rubbish to hear you are feeling it again. Im 3 months behind you and a lot of your posts have resonated with me. You sounded so upbeat the last time we "conversed"...I took a lot of comfort from your progress and have been using the mindfulness link you posted which has helped. I cant add anymore than Rudd has...other than at some point the good days will become weeks with bad days dotted here and there. It really does take time and were all different, Ive only just lost the feeling of panic but thats not to say it wont " pop up" again but ill let it pass when its ready to. Dont beat yourself up for feeling that way, its only natural and a process we all seem to go through. Your TRT with Jackie Sheldrake is no doubt the gold standard towards your management of T but it will take time, you really are in the best hands. Keep calm, be patient and I have every hope you will reap the benefit.
Take care
I’ve just passed my 2 year anniversary, with screeching in both ears and Vestibular problems, although I don’t suffer anxiety or stress normally, when I finally saw a neurologist she said I was depressed, um yes, because of this condition, that was over a year ago and I’m still here! I’m not sure if I’ve habituated yet as it’s still bothering me, but I wrote on one of the fb groups that I no longer want to jump off a bridge recently, someone commented that I’d habituated, so whilst I along with everyone else wants to hear silence, I think I’ve accepted that it’s not going to happen
Sadly I think this is as good as its gets in terms of ‘habituation’ if you have severe constant T. Basically you slowly and reluctantly accept a dreadfully poor quality of life and the constant nagging torment of this hateful affliction, because you no longer have the impassioned zeal to kill yourself.
That’s certainly where I’m at after a year. I want to die and would choose euthanasia in a heartbeat if it were an option, but I have missed the ‘window of opportunity’ to leap off a cliff or hang myself. So I suffer day and after day in this neverending nightmare and I pray that my life is cut mercifully short by something....anything. Nothing could be worse than this.