In 23 years of having tinnitus nothing has changed we all go through the same procedure every time with out no outcome, the amount we spend trying to find a cure for this horrible noise is minute, it runs into the low millions that's because its a brain disease and to find a cure for anything that's connected to the brain needs billions of £s of research. what i believe is that one day we will stumble across a cure, i think and i hope that trying to find a cure for Alzheimer's, dementia or something like that will lead to a chance discovery that the same medication that works for one of these horrible diseases also work for tinnitus.
Will there ever be a cure ?: In 23 years of... - Tinnitus UK
Will there ever be a cure ?

hi John I’m sure at some point in the future the brain switch and associated drug for flicking that switch for tinnitus will be found.
In the meantime I have found the best natural cure for me has been to put my efforts into attaching as a little importance to my tinnitus sound as possible. The upshot of that process is over time the brain also ceases to attach any importance to the sound and gives the tinnitus user an easier ride - brain stops monitoring the sound so much. It’s not easy to do and it did take professional help to do it but it works for me.
Not a cure but hopefully of some help 👍
Retired man that I be, I will be devoting time during whats left of this winter to investigate what research there is into tinnitus and the funding of it. Anything profound I might find I will report on this site.
There must be several billionaires whose lives it has touched. Of particular interest is the rock music crowd some of whom are impressively wealthy, and could be funding on the quiet. Throw a few famous names around and tinnitus will come to the public fore. That's how it works, and we should be grateful for that...
I truly hope so because this is unbearable.
Hi Deena6 i'm in the same boat as you! i'm really interested in the reply from Bourneville, as this is so true but its learning the strategies to manage it.
More awareness and prevention. I don't think there will be a "cure" anytime soon. The risks are too high. Treatment and neuroplasticity may be as good as we get and do help, and will improve with knowledge.
My hearing loss, and subsequent tinnitus is a result of damage from grommets as a child. I've undoubtedly done myself no favours,, e.g. maybe not wearing ear defenders doing DIY, and rock concerts. Whilst not regular, one may say being more susceptible maybe I could have helped myself.
In the grand scheme of things, as much as I feel anxious and lack sleep, I'm grateful it's nothing more than buzzing sound.
I expect, 777john, you’ve looked at the Tinnitus UK site for information.
Agree with your comments John, I`m 4 years into my T and now have mostly learn`t to live with T, having most good days, but still have days when it annoys me.
I find I have more bad days during the winter months than I do in the summer, not being able to be outside and stuck inside with the heating on does not help to not focus on my T.
Hi John. My T is tied up with profound hearing loss - in one ear . I believe that until they find a cure for hearing loss (beyond the help of HAs) it will be impossible to stop T for people like me.
I really don't think there's a whole lot of interest in finding a cure for tinnitus. It's not glamorous, it's not going to kill most sufferers, it's not visible. Most of us habituate to it more or less, and while a cure would be lovely I can't see it coming any time soon. I had a cochlear implant last Friday and was hoping it would help the tinnitus but so far it's just made it worse. Not all the time, but when I wake at night it screams. I think it will settle and when the implant is activated a lot of people say they don't really noice the tinnitus so much. I will be glad if I can hear. It is a depressing thought that people don't really care about it because so many people are affected. I think I recently read that getting close to 15% of Americans have tinnitus.
Hi PABLR I'm interested to know how you get on with the implant - being partially deaf in one ear myself. Any chance of a updates now and again?
I can tell you I still have tinnitus! Possibly slightly worse. I do have a blog on Facebook which you can find here: It's public so please follow for all the updates you want. There's also a lot of information about the steps you go through to get approved. You really need to be severely too profoundly deaf to qualify. I am in my left, severely in my right. Let me know if you find the blog.
I think you shouldn't loose hope of a cure sometime in the next few years John. There is more research going on than you think, and new technologies (such as AI) are moving ahead at great speed. I think already next year is going to see quite a revolution in new (or maybe ancient?) technology!
This might be nothing, but who knows?
Thank you to Woodman for that video - it's interesting to see that coverage on local news. This is the press release for that story if people are interested -
This is the type of news we need to here let's hope it's not another brick wall may be I am wrong and there is more going on out there than I realise.👍
I am 72 and I've had it since I was 19. A day never goes by when I'm not aware of it but lately, that doesn't happen until late evening, so most of the day I'm not thinking of it. I'm a twin and my brother also has it and, ironically, most of my friends, so we are not alone.