My 17 year old daughter has finally been diagnosed with "low-thyroid producing hormone" by the GP. Prior to this she experienced five years of weight gain, low energy and other symptoms which I now see are associated with thyroid disfunction. She started on 50 and then moved to 75 mg of Levothyroxine. I haven't yet got a print out of her results. I have two questions, firstly are there any supplements I should be giving to support her health? Secondly, she is beginning to lose weight but it is quite slow - about 1lb per week. Her teenage years were not easy for her because of the weight she gained (a stone per year from 13 to 17 and she is only 5ft tall) and she is keen to shed what she can before she goes to university. Can anyone give us some advice? The more I read the more complicated it seems!
Thank you.