I tend to be given the same brand of levo each month as I stick to the same pharmacy and so far they have worked very well. However recently I was given a different brand, can't remember the name as I threw them out eventually. I felt so ill, my bp went up and my gp told me rest completely. I suddenly realised that the symptoms had come on after starting the new tablets so I got a new prescription and made sure I got my old brand. Very quickly things improved and I'm now back to normal. When I mentioned it to my GP on my next check up, he said although the ingredients should always be the same, it has been known for cheaper brands to affect people. Has anyone else experienced this?
Different brand of levothyroxine: I tend to be... - Thyroid UK
Different brand of levothyroxine

It is NOT a matter of "cheaper" brands.
We have just THREE makes of levothyroxine tablet in the UK. Wockhardt, Mercury Pharma and Actavis.
Some people react differently to the three makes.
Go here and read about them:
It is probably a good idea to try to stick to the same make because there are differences which you avoid by not changing. But sometimes there is no choice due to supply issues.
The brand they gave me last time was a foreign brand and none of the above. There again I live in the Channel Islands so not part of the UK so maybe they are able to bring in drugs that the UK don't? No idea. I usually do have tablets from the range you mention though and I am fine with them.
I had problems too with different brands. I spoke to my friendly pharmacist and she suggested giving me Goldshield (Eltroxin brand - always in stock) if I payed the difference on the script - this works out about £1 every couple of months. I am happy with this as I get a guaranteed supply of the same medicine.
I didn't get on with activis felt dreadful it was only when I went to a different pharmacy and they gave me Goldshield that I realised It was the other brand that had been affecting me.
so what's the best one - a generic or brand? I have my 100's in Actavis and my 25s in either Wockhardt or Goldshield. Been on Goldshield recently and felt like crap despite bloodwork being in limits. Recently upped my dose and now T4 wildly out but feel good? Could it be the Goldshield?

25mcg have to be Wockhardt or Mercury Pharma as Actavis do not make any in that dosage.
If it says "Goldshield" do check the date on the pack.
I'll be very interested in their replies
A valid question
My 100s are actavis and my 25s are Wockhardt. No problems with them
Thank you all for your input. It's interesting to see that I'm not alone in finding a difference when taking other brands.
I've been on Actavis 100 and Goldshield, back on Wockhardt tonight. Hopefully I'll get better. She offered me Mercury Pharm but never heard of them? Goldshield 25s just taste absolutely vile.

Last year the company Goldshield renamed themselves Mercury Pharma.
So all products there were labelled Goldshield either have been or will in future be labelled Mercury Pharma.
There are NO changes whatsoever associated with this change of name.
What you say makes perfect sense and there is a definite difference in some people when taking different brands. I was interested to read that you can only get 2 months of drugs? Here I have 3 months prescriptions given and occasionally 4 months if my gp will be away for my next check up for weight, bp etc.. I have yearly blood tests and urine tests done. how does this compare to others?
Yes whenever i mentioned this it goes on deaf ears. Its very upsetting as made to feel as i am the only one who has complained. Spoke to a doctor at my surgery today and she said maybe try Teva, i said i have see bad reviews for Teva, she said she hasnt had anyone say they had felt unwell on them, i have seen many negative comments on here about Teva and remember once giving them a try because again was fobbed off and i felt ill
I have just added a similar post on this topic.
My pharmacist has just changed my brand to Teva and I have found that I am really itchy, irritable and have palpitations.
I had none of this on my previous brand so am assuming that it is a reaction to the fillers.
My pharmacist only has an alternative of North Star however I believe that Teva and North Star are the same.
I am at a loss what to do as all of my repeat prescriptions go to this pharmacist direct however I cannot be assured of consistency.