Should you get flu jag when hypo?: - Thyroid UK
Should you get flu jag when hypo?

I can only go by my own experience but I get it every year and have no problems. When everyone else has been ill over xmas I have been fine. I would recommend it, I think we have enough problems to deal with.
I also recommend it. After having a really serious bout of flu some years ago I've had the jab every year and haven;t had a cold, let alone flu, since.
It is not on the "at risk" list. Strangely enough I have just seen a quote in a magazine that stated that 20% of adults get the flu every year - this is a ridiculous figure - that is one in five people! I was diagnosed with myxoedema 20 years ago and have never had either the flu vaccination or flu in my life.
I have the flu jab and I personally have had no problems.
Given that there is serious doubt as to whether or not the flue vaccine works, and knowing how much junk they put in vaccines in general, I personally would never take the risk. As LISAG said, we have enough problems to deal with, I don't think we want to go pumping our bodies full of unknown substances. Far better to support our adrenals with vitamin C so that they can do their job in protecting us.
Just my opinion. Grey
You can find out what the ingredients of the flu jab are if you are concerned as to what they contain but besides the sfew strains of flu there would only be fillers and preservatives no different from all the medication and supplements we take.
It does work just not on all strains of flu 'floating about' as adding all would be impossible and make it too costly (there are 1000 of strains they will only pick between 3-5 they think will be most prevalent that year in a particular region of the world) So even if you get the flu jab you can still get flu.
And they are usually wrong!!! Not to mention the man-made panics over mythical strains like bird flu, which never even existed. And not to mention the fact - fact - that the shot will more than likely give you the flu, especially if your immune system is compromised as it is in Hashi's people. And do you really believe they are honest in their lists of ingredients?
No, thank you for trying to help, but there is no way on earth I would volentarily allow anyone to inject all that stuff into my body. I totally agree with nobodysdriving, below. I avoid it like the plague!
Your blind faith in the good intentions of others, worries me, MCoates. I do hope you never have reason to regret it.
Keep safe, Grey
I have never gotten the flu from the flu jab and i have had it every year for the last 19 years.
As to whether they usually pick the wrongs strains i don't believe so and won't until I have seen some peer reviewed published scientific research that has been successfully replicated before I would.
As a biologists with working experience in the pharmaceutical industry it is not blind faith it is working knowledge. They have very stringent rules as to what they are allowed to add to vaccines/medicines and by law are required to make the ingredients added known to withhold anything would lose them their licence to make vaccines. Again the additives are no different from the medicines we are prescribed for hypothyroidism and the supplements we take.
As for hashi's meaning your immunocompromised, actually your immune system is overactive as it is attacking your own tissues and wouldn't it be the case if your more likely to give you the vaccine as actual flu would in an immuno compromised person be fatal.
To reiterate the point i made to fion there is no point getting the flu jab when you are not in the at risk categories as your body is actually more able to fight the flu successfully.
More than anything it is a personal choice you need to make when your have fully informed yourself as you have.
I avoid it like the plague!
just do some research on the pros and cons of having it.
Whilst you hear of some people ending up in intensive care due to the flu, I have also met in person some people who have been nearly 'killed' by the flu vaccine too (one of these is a person I work with who was in intensive care due to the vaccine only a month ago). There is the end of the spectrum on both sides, most of us fall in the middle.
PS the above is not the reason why I avoid it, I am concerned about the repeated annual exposure to some of its ingredients
I have had the flu jab for the last four years now, without any trouble. If you're not allergic to any of the ingredients, you should be fine (they check this before they give it to you). It contains three or four inactive flu viruses, which means that you don't get any flu symptoms, but you do develop immunity against them. Do not get fooled by the myths about flu jabs that are out there, such as you can catch the flu of them, because they are not true. Remember though the jab does not protect you against the common cold, so you need to keep up good hygiene during the winter months.
Apparently only about 3%of people get actual flu each year (not just a bad cold) and if the strain that's going around is included in the flu jab (which it might not be) the jab decreases that to about 1.5%. So probably not worth it as a) you'll probably still get ill if your immune system isn't up to scratch and b) the jab puts your immune system under stress and makes it more likely that you'll catch something. Why anyone would want to be injected with a bunch of nasty chemicals is beyond me. Also been reading a paper by Lucija Tomljenovic on how adverse reaction results to vaccines were suppressed by the British medical establishment. It deals mostly with childhood vaccines, but it wouldn't surprise me if the flu jab wasn't treated the same way.
Get some vitamin D3 down you instead.
I specifically asked my Endo whether, as a Hashi patient, I should have the jab. He said definitely not, and I trust him. He suggested that the NHS has been conned by the manufacturers into providing it, knows it's not effective and is not value for money, but can't now do a u-turn and say so. There are much better places the money could be being spent.
The only time i had the flu jab, i ended up with pleurisy within a month! never had it again.
Had it in the past, would never have it again when I discovered Mercury is included in the vaccine, one of the known violent toxins to mankind. It is like the Mercury used in filling our teeth, one may not feel the effects when young but later in life the build up can be disasterous.
Thanks to everyone x
Had it every year since I was 11 years old and have no problems.
If you are worried about the mercury issue as mentioned the single dose vaccines (i.e. prefilled syringes) do not contain mercury its only multiple dose vaccines (i.e. the doc has to draw it out of a bottle to correct voloume before you get jabbed) that contain it as a preservative.
Saying that if you are not in one of the risk categories then I would say it is pointless to get one.
look up vaccines cause autoimmune diseases the proof is everywhere ..wish I had never let my daughter be immunised