Last spring I decided to get fit, all went well until I came down with oedema in both legs, hands and around my eyes. The GPs sent me for tests and still cant find anything! On research I realised I had lost the outside of both eyebrows in the past year, my hair is thinning, I am constantly tired. Sometimes my arms ache just hanging out laundry.
When the oedema is at its worse I struggle to walk to the end of the street. All I get from the GP is - "Lose weight, and its caused by heat or staying in the same position too long" (Symptoms eased a little by the end of summer - but flared up again before Christmas)
I have grudgingly been promised a referral to the hospital, but am worrying about what is going to happen, the GPs are so insistent I am wrong. They are not offering any solution other than weight loss, my diet is fairly good, very few fried foods, plenty of veg no sweets.
I cant exercise without pain now. One of the GPs suggested yoga as even aqua-aerobics caused pain!
Has anyone else had the same issues? Any ideas would be good I feel very alone.