My daughter was born with no thyroid, and has been on Levo since birth - she is now 18 months. Her dosage went up a fortnight ago from 62.5mg to 75mg since when she has been crazy and won't sleep!! She has not had a nap in a week and is struggling to fall asleep and stay guessing this is to do with her dosage..has anyone else experienced this??
My toddler on Levothyroxine won't sleep!! - Thyroid UK
My toddler on Levothyroxine won't sleep!!

vquirk - my heart goes out to you and your toddler, so I must reply...
Firstly, I am not on Levo or any other medication, and we are not medically qualified here - but personally I would question the dose - go back to your doctor ASAP,.taking note of signs and symptoms.
I do not pretend to know or attempt to guess the correct level. A full replacement dose is based on weight (i.e. those with no thyroid function) here's a link for info only....
"Infants and Children: Dose based on body weight and age as listed below... "
best wishes Jane
I regret I do not know how accurate that link is, but I believe a 14st adult with no Thyroid function, equates to 200mcg T4 Levo daily - however children's doses may be different - do you have blood test results and ranges? - I hope more knowledgeable folks will chip in here J x
I am sorry you are having worries over the treatment of your baby. Can you see the Specialist who is treating your child or phone his Secretary and leave a message.
It is difficult enough for adults to talk to GP's about their thyroid hormone treatment, (that's why we are on this forum) never mind a mother who has to care for her baby. I hope you get an answer soon.
Best wishes
Hi I do not know any thing about children but if an adult was like that it would be under treated. Also in adults Free T3 needs testing and if low T3 on a script in addition to T4.
Best wishes,
My daughter was also born without a thyroid. She is now almost 6. In the past we experienced the Same kind of thing. Once she was getting a too high dose of levothyroxine and used to fidget constantly in her sleep and just couldn't keep still. I would call your paediatricians office and ask for her bloods to be checked if you feel that it is having a detrimental effect.
I found with every change of dose and my daughter being so small had some effect on her but now she's older they aren't so noticeable.
I really hope you get it sorted.
Gem x
Hi thanks for your help everyone. She has settled down now and I am guessing it was just the increase in dose having an effect on her little body. (and of course being Christmas we couldnt get hold of anyone at the hospital to ask!)x
Hi thanks for your help everyone. She has settled down now and I am guessing it was just the increase in dose having an effect on her little body. (and of course being Christmas we couldnt get hold of anyone at the hospital to ask!)x