Hi ,thought l would write while l have still use of the computer...l have a hospital appointment on friday to teach me how to use a new pump! the catheter sorts one end now this will HOPEFULLY! do the other end! if l still had my sacral nerve implant they would be able to operate and MEND me but now they cant..so the national queen square here l come. l am due an appointment with the scacral box people soon ,but at this momment l dont want to go through yet another op..and the jury is out on wether l want a foreign piece of metel and wire+ electrode again in my body/ who knows how l will be in the future as l have hashimotos how did my body fair in the first place with it in me?was my body atacking it? but for now its left in the to do/ rethink box..
l see my life in a series of boxes! family ( lots of boxes and related problems )friends,home health,(there are a lot of boxes within this. catagory!) food ( a big box full of problems ) finance and a research box to keep adding things lve read and ideas...l am okay when theer are a couple of boxes open at one time..the problem is greater when there are more open at the same time and you are juggling them...
The problems l am having with my Armour and pregnenole/dhea still continues..l am so hypo my tempreture has gone down to 35.2 pulse in morning 58 bpm and l and sooo tired and lethargic body wise and l have pain all over. my hands seem to be really bad at the mo...but when l take my dhea/preg ( now taking only 1/8th of a capsule with15mcg of each in ) l am hyper in my brain and cant sleep ..sweating and jangly and shakey in side and my pulse goes WELL up ( on the higher dose the week before last l couldnt see which was scary and anoying as l couldnt even lay and read)...so l stopped them last wednesday..to see what happened ..l then become hypo in brain as well as body within three days ..didnt want to do anything foggy lethargic and in pain..then l got teary..
Yesterday was the worst day l have had in ages...SO today l took an 1/8th of a capsule again..it certainly lifts but wont take tommorrow as l will go high again.
BUT what l want to say in amongst all of this, l was really fed up.and sad.but l read that " as long as you keep searching the answers come" AND because l was laying about l RE READ and read again...and it was like a light bulb momment...
DR Barry Durrant Peatfields book...
and l saw that something was a miss with my treatment....( well it isnt working!)
l phoned his secretary and spoke with her ( she listened and was very helpful)
AND she said that she had just recieved a cancellation.( and l dont believe there are coincidences!)..SO l am going to visit him for an appointment on the 7th October it all just clicked in to place as my sister lives very near to his clinic. and thanks to her generousity l can go for this appointment....l am so blessed....l see this as a positive step on being able to pull myself from this pit AGAIN....l was advised to start taking my temp again and pulse..l have two years worth of diary records of the same but was discouraged to continue with the daily record when my present Dr wasn't very interested and l felt like l was being over the top going with my diary to each appointment..to much self interest...it has been interesting looking back through the diarys to see where l am now to how l was when l was first diagnosed...STRANGLY back to the start!! history kept repeating itself...l do believe its STILL MY ADRENALS THE PROBLEM...
l have seen a different approach to how and in what order the adrenal support and then thyroid support is eventually given...SOOOO in hope l will go...so grateful of a different opinion and view....so grateful for the oportunity to see someone so knowledgable and with so much experience...l just pray for an answer...or a new way for my treatment....you can only try!l wil let you know how l get on....