Thought some members might find this interesting
Last Spring I was prescribed 5mg prednisolone daily to help with pain of osteoarthritis (waiting knee replacement)
I was assured categorically that this low dose steroid would not affect my adrenal hormones at all
It was certain highly effective at pain reduction and I was told I would be able to remain on this low dose indefinitely.
However 6 months later I was feeling increasingly out of sorts, with daily pain in adrenals…….
So I did an early morning Blue Horizon test including cortisol
Cortisol was right at bottom of range
At follow up consultation I was told that “this was probably just my normal cortisol level”
I said I would ween off to see if levels would improve and did so very slowly…..taking 3 months to stop completely
Retested cortisol this week ……now my Cortisol is at top of range
With hindsight …..I wish I had tested cortisol BEFORE starting prednisolone