Tried ringing doctors. Can't even get through. Getting worse. Don't even make it in queue. Sick of feeling so down. Crying etc
Doctors: Tried ringing doctors. Can't even get... - Thyroid UK

Does your GP surgery have email? I have resorted to emailing in the past when I couldn't get contact any other way and told them so.

I am sorry you are feeling so unwell. As I understand, you have recently had your Levothyroxine reduced from 125-100mcg. As I mentioned a couple of days ago, this reduction might be too much of a jump- so perhaps try reducing just 12.5mcg.
If you do get an appointment (🤞), I would ask for ferritin, folate, B12 and vit D to be tested, plus FT3 (as recommended by others in your last post).
Perhaps also discuss a trial of HRT with your GP or advanced nurse practitioner, as referred to in previous post.
Thank you for taking the time to reply. Yes i need to discuss the lowering dose and hormonal problems. I don't want them to just say up the sertraline as I think it's the 2 other factors causing this low mood.
If your surgery is gettable to, could you walk in and speak to reception?
Hi Sleepy achy,
I realise all surgery's have different systems but I find using their online service really useful.
Mine uses something called PATCHS. I state the issue and what or who I want to help me with it. It asks a series of questions and how and when I want to be contacted; much better and less stressful than trying to get through on the phone.
If you feel able to try your surgery's online service it my be an idea to give it a go.

Some surgery’s you can log on via NHS app early morning and book an appointment for that day
See if that’s possible for you
I’d be inclined to call 111, Sleepyachy. It very much sounds like you need to be seen—hopefully they may be able to help you get an appointment or suggest another kind of appointment?
Even if they ultimately tell you to try calling your GP again they’ll have a record that you got in touch.
It’s wrong that it’s so difficult to get an appointment these days.
Morning. I now email my GP with “FAO Dr …..”
It’s impossible to get an appointment with her as she is so popular but as I know her so well ( and she knows me) I can explain and ask. She gets back to me in a couple of days with a text.
Also just saw that you are on Sertraline. I have just reduced mine and noticed many many side effects have disappeared. Mainly brain fog and energy levels 😳. I’m not saying that you should do that. Just an observation from a long term user of Sertraline
I am so sorry you are feeling like this. From the NHS website - “111 can direct you to the best place to get help if you cannot contact your GP during the day, or when your GP is closed (out-of-hours). “
Sending a hug.
Thank you for taking the time to reply. X