I’ve been taking 50mcg of Accord Levothyroxine for 4 weeks for hypothyroidism and I’m seeing my GP on Friday to schedule blood tests for next week (week 5). My initial blood test results are in my profile. I have had very helpful advice on these previously.
I read somewhere that repeat blood tests at 4-6 weeks are recommended for over 65s like me. I’m keen to increase the dose, but don’t want to rush things and make matters worse.
Would it be better to wait a full 6 weeks?
Thanks to this forum I know about getting my blood test done first thing in the morning and not taking Levothyroxine until afterwards.
I’ve had slight palpitations and anxiety surges since taking Accord Levothyroxine but not so bad that I sought medical advice. I think this is probably due to being under medicated, rather than the side effects of the medication.
Accord Levothryoxine isn’t available in 25mcg tablets so I am wondering what to do. My local pharmacist stocks Wockhardt 25mcg. Should I ask my GP to request 50mcg Accord + 25mcg Wockhardt, or ask for the whole prescription to be issued as Wockhardt? I’m not keen on pill splitting unless that’s unavoidable.
Any advice would be very much appreciated.
Best wishes