is low blood pressure associated with an underactive thyroid?
low blood pressure : is low blood pressure... - Thyroid UK
low blood pressure
Low blood pressure is a symptom of hypo, yes. It's one symptom that doctors actually know about!
Thank you greygoose - yet another symptom to try and convince my GP!
Well, he really should know that. It's basic thyroid 101.
Sadly these days they only seem to take note of TSH....🙈 As one GP told me...... symptoms are old hat we go on bloods and scans! Marvelous!!
i've read in several papers that untreated hypo causes high diastolic pressure ( the second number) , and iv'e seen it mentioned that low systolic pressure ( the first number ) can be a symptom in myxoedema coma,( which is very severe hypo , but doesn't necessarily mean you have to be in a coma)
i remember reading in various places that hypothyroidism causes 'narrow pulse pressure' , which means the difference between the systolic and diastolic numbers is less than usual ~but i've not seen anything that mentions 'low blood pressure' ( if that means both numbers are low ?) as a symptom of hypo.
this post has a collection of papers about affects of thyroid hormones on heart (list is at the end of replies) : thyroid-disease-effects-on-heart-and-cardiovascular-system
Thanks tattybogle - maybe mine isn’t low?? It’s 107/56 with a pulse rate of 52 which is low.
according to this , your diastolic ( 2nd number ) is a smidge low , but i don't know if it's low enough to be a concern. And your systolic (1st number) seems fine.
"The NHS has a general guide that can tell you if your reading is within the normal range:
Low blood pressure: under 89/59mmHg
Normal blood pressure: between 90/60 mmHg and 120/80 mmHg
High-normal blood pressure: between 120/80 mmHg and 140/90 mmHg - you may be at risk of high blood pressure in the future"
based on the studies i've read , if hypo was the cause , i'd have thought diastolic would be high not low ? , but i know very little about it other than what i've read .and much of it i don't understand to be honest.