Hi I'm Jan I'm soon to be 70 years old and so I consider myself a vetran with an underactive throid . I was diagnosed at 12 years old. It's been a long road for me. Not all of it has been easy, as I'm sure a lot of you can relate to.
As i introduce myself to you I'll try not to go into to much detail about the many things that my underactive thyroid has brought about to surprise me. Not always in a good way, I'm glad to say though I haven't lost my sence of humour.
Some of the hardest things in all of this for me has been the brain fog and overwhelming exgaustion. The flue like symptoms that you sometimes feel surprised that you survived. It wasn't the flue though was it? it was your thyroid.
The frustration of it can be overwhelming. I've lost jobs, a husband and numerous friends along the way who just lost patience. I should be angry but I kind of understand why they left. I've had to cancel so many things, over time it must have been exgshusting for them too.
Moving on, I felt so desperate and unwell by the age of 60, it had been a long time, I finally realised I had to do something to help myself. I felt so let down. I started to research for myself.
What I discovered just amazed me and I'm so thankful because I have never felt better in my life. I read most everything that I could on the subject. I really went in depth. It took me about 3 years. I tried so many things, which on reflection i think you have to because we're all so different and no one thing fits all. In my opinion although medication did help, in my case it wasn't the whole answer.
I found it hard to accept it when the doctor told me "Your test results are showing normal range" despite this I still felt like a member of the living dead.
I believe that you have to try to wade through all the information you can, because the answers are there.
The frustrating thing is thyroid disorder is so complex and so are we. What might work for me might not work for you.
I have to say at this point I'm a firm believer that the answers we are looking for are food related and that is where I wish, in my young years, I would have started researching.
If you are searching please don't give up. At one point i had tried so many things and they hadn't worked that i began to think I would not find anything that would help me to feel well again.
My desperation was the only thing that kept me going. . It is hard and frustrating and you need a will of steel to keep going but its worth all the trouble in the end. A lot of us forget or never ever know the joy of that feeling of consecutive days of feeling well.
I feel within myself today that I am as near to healthy as as a person can be. How can that be ???
Cruciferous Vegetables make me ill and are responsible for my thyroid symptoms. I found this out in my research. I decided to cut them out of my diet completely. Dispite reading on many occasions that if you cook them for enough time you shouldn't get the symptons . That did not work for me so I just cut them completely and it worked and I felt 1 million times better. Don't get me wrong i do have the odd day where I have what I call a thyroid day or week. It's horrible but It's because I ate something that contained some cruciferous vegetable. Those days are less though. I read my labels now.
So for me it was so simple it made me cry, why? Because a lifetime ago I could have saved myself a whole lot of pain and suffering and it was caused by such a simple thing.
I can't eat cruciferous vegetables no matter how well cooked they are.
I was brought up in a family where we ate three meals a day 1 at least containing numerous vegetables or salad and as an adult i ate this way every day. It tasted great but it was like eating poison to me. Like having a nut allergy and eating nuts, except nuts to someone with a nut allergy can kill them. Those vegetables wouldn't kill me but they sure ruined my life. I hate to say this, but at times I sometimes wished they had. That's an awful thing to admit but to be honest I had felt so unwell and i had lost so much.
What was so healthy for most people wasn't for me and I found that hard to accept. I still love veggies to this day
but I'm more choosy about the ones i eat now.
I'm so glad that I listened to that feeling of desperation and began to actively help myself.
I'm airing on the side of caution here in saying that I'm not going to, or would I stop my thyroxine. I would be tooooo frightened to, because everything is working really well for me at the moment.
If you were to ask me my advice I would say you need both medication and the need to research for yourself. Its important to realise that this condition is very complex. It is why it has so many symptoms and it's difficult to stabilise if it gets out of controll.
Good luck to you. Trust yourself in your research if you undertake the same path that i have. Just be aware of one thing and this is important. We are all uniquely different from each other inside and out. Please consider this. No matter how healthy an advocate may tell you a food is. It could be a super food but it may not be a super food for you.
Love to you all jan xx
Feel free to ask any questions.