I've recently posted due to being subclinical hyperthyroid. I am 18 weeks pregnant now and my levels haven't normalised as you'd expect in the second trimester. (Although my TSH has always been right on the bottom end of normal at around 0.35 to 0.67).
Endocrinology (UK NHS) are involved and taking a wait and see approach but I'm confused about the change in my levels. The only antibodies they looked at were TPO which was negative.
Latest results as follows 7/10/24:
TSH 0.03
T4 9.7
T3 6.04
My last results were 26/09/24:
TSH 0.02, T4 and T3 normal (don't have numbers)
And prior to that 10/09/24:
TSH 0.02
T4 11.2
T3 5.6
I know they can change here and there but I've never seen my T4 drop this much but T3 increase as well?
I don't have access to any further info on ranges etc for the above, but can this be expected at all? Or could the trend in the way the levels have changed mean anything in particular?
Thanks very much in advance for any suggestions!