I’m wondering why I haven’t had any answers to my most recent post asking about taking T3 and sourcing T3. Perhaps I worded it badly or something but I notice other posters at around the same time have had replies. Perhaps there is no answer to my issue, lol! Apologies if I seem impatient, just feel a bit lousy and a bit worried.
Any answers please….: I’m wondering why I haven’t... - Thyroid UK
Any answers please….

Sorry, sometimes one slips through when the forum gets busy, I'd suggest contacting Roseway Labs as it looks like you might benefit from a small amount of T3 if all your vits and mins have already been optimized 🤗
Many thanks. And a useful prompt about optimising vitamins. Although in range, I have been advised on here to optimise folate, B12, D plus Magnesium. I’m just not sure what optimise actually means - is it top of the range, mid-range?
Hi Calceolaria
If u r already on T3, there was a gap in supplies but now is available. I only get it by prescription. I don't know private suppliers. Not sure whether this helped u.
Good luck
Hi Calceolaria,
I think sometimes there's so many posts that sometimes one or few will get missed.
It is hard not to take it personally; hope you get some good responses now.
You are quite right. I often see a post/reply and think that I will reply. But for some reason don't do so immediately - maybe it needs more time than I have right now. Or something urgent happens. And I simply move on.
The intention is to return - and often I do. And I often find that my intended reply is no longer needed.
Some slip past everyone. And I often have no idea why.
My knowledge hasn't extended to t3 medication yet so I can't say anything useful.
I think you've gone as far as you can on Levo monotherapy, like you I had very similar results in December on 200mcgs of Levo. I felt OKish, not great but passable. But I wasnt happy with my FT4 at the top of the range. It can have long term health implications.
So I self sourced some T3, dropped Levo to 150mcgs and added 12.5mcg of T3. Split into two doses.
However and this is going to affect anyone who self sources but uses the NHS for Levo, there will come a time when you have a thyroid panel on the NHS. Taking T3 very often suppresses TSH, can lower FT4 levels and increases FT3.
This might look peculiar to an NHS GP who will instantly assume you are overmedicated, panics and will lower Levo.
At which point you might neeed to decide whether to own up to taking T3 or just suck up the reduced dose. Its not cut and dried. I've not had an issue yet but its only a matter of time.
I had TT. Was dosed with very high doses of T4 for suppression purposes. Had all sorts of issues. Palpitations anxieties insomnia dry skin high BP. Pain in my adrenals. I did lots of research and joined Great Forums like ours. And found out that the missing link to my problem was that even high T4's where not working for me but worked in reverse against me. I was not converting my T4 to the more potent T3 that my heart my adrenals was missing so badly.
I hope this helps anyone else that might have these experiences.
Best wishes.
Thank you for sharing your experience.
I suppose it’s all about if it feels better?
Thanks. I think I’ll give it a try.
But would lower dose of levo, lower the free T44
Hi I take T3 on the NHS battled the endo doctors for years they kept wanting me to stop I get my supply Morningside T3 through the post Im not sure if I am allowed on this site to give out their name but I was given a list of suppliers from the moderators on this site so perhaps they could help you. I recently reduced mine from 60 to 20mcg and had some repercussions so gone back to original dose.
I'm not medically trained but I was given T3 over 20 years ago by a private endo who said I didn't convert Levothyroxine properly so needed the T3 NHS told me to stop taking T3 and I refused they made me cut down on it but I'm sure that was because it was expensive, battle every time but stuck to my guns the only sign I had of overmedication was my body temperature was always hot and so recently I cut down by 20mcg but suffered but didn't feel good and had skin infection probably immunity related so resumed normal dose.
They tell you all sorts about T3 adverse effects don't believe them do the research listen to your body I still take ~Levothyroxine and Liothyronine good luck