Just a question if I can. Has anyone been told that T3 is the same as T4 medication? Your thoughts please as I am confused.
T3/T4: Just a question if I can. Has anyone been... - Thyroid UK

Whoever told you that didn't know what they were talking about.
T4 (Levo) is a storage hormone.
T3 is an active hormone that works immediately.
Completely different things.
Thankfully not - but still hard explaining the importance of FT3 testing and its role within the body...
Have you found the website - Thyroid Patients Canada ?
Yes, I was told that by a pharmacist. And she couldn't understand why I got angry!
They are not the same. They are both thyroid hormones but do different things. I do hope it wasn't a doctor that told you that!
My GP and two Consultants no less !!! Just thought I would check with everybody as I did wonder if I might have got my facts mixed.
Good heavens! That is shocking. Although one has to admit the possibility that they were just gas-lighting you because they didn't want too prescribe T3.
Getting a bit technical but T4 is converted into T3 by removing one atom of iodine from every molecule of T4. So, the difference is structure is just a matter of one atom of iodine. But the difference in what they do is enormous.
Thank you. Yes, that was how I understood things. I've moved from the South with T3 under prescription (thank heavens as there would be no chance of getting it up here if I weren't) and quite honestly been treated like a pariah. Tried at every opportunity, so glad to have you all to keep me sane.
Yikes! You have encountered an idiot. Don't listen to anything else they tell you. Run, don't walk.