Is there any reason why I cannot take Levothyroxine at the same time as esomesprazole and Bisoprolol? I KNOW Levo should be taken an hour before anything else but just want to know if anything in these other meds would prevent thyroxine uptake. Thank you.
Levo with someprazole and bisoprolol: Is there... - Thyroid UK
Levo with someprazole and bisoprolol
Levothyroxine needs a good level of stomach acid for absorption into your system. Medicines such as omeprazole are designed to lower stomach acid, so taking the two together will mean the levothyroxine is much less well absorbed.
If you look at the PIL (patient information leaflet) that comes with your levothyroxine, you will probably see a whole list of medicines that affect the way levothyroxine works. This is why it is important to take the levothyroxine on it's own, leaving a good length of time between taking it and any other medicine.
Thank you. I understand that esomesprazole reduces stomach acid - I am taking it because I have excessive stomach acid, and to balance it, not to obliterate it completely. I want to find out if Esomeprazole or Bisoprolol will react negatively with Levothyroxine. I take Bisoprolol (beta blocker) for my heart issues, on the lowest dose possible.
If you take them all at the same time, there's a strong liklihood that your levothyroxine dose will need to be adjusted accordingly. And then, if at some point you stop taking any of those medicines, your levo dose may need to be adjusted again.
I take Levo and Bisoprolol at same time or very close to it, not caused me any issues.
Please don't shout at me because I have to ask: are you sure your stomach acid is high? That would be very unusual for a hypo, we usually have low stomach acid. The sypmtoms are the same for both high and low.
Dear Grey goose. Yes, my stomach acidity is high. I was moved to a higher dose of Esomeprazole after a gastroscopy 18 months ago because I was developing a stomach ulcer. Stomach lining was also damaged after chemo 25 years ago.
Hey Greygoose so sorry for jumping in on this post. Thing is i am very hypo right now so according to you i have low stomach acid hence i maynot be absorbing levo all that well. Having said that, I am on a anti coagulant dabigatran which pharmacist claims can cause stomach acid reflux so i was prescribed lansoprazol which i dont take. Question is if the anticoagulant causes acid reflux (not experienced this) does this mean my stomach acid will be raised even though I am hypo? If it is raised it may help with to absorb levo better.
Pretty sure it doesn't mean that, no. The pharmacist said it causes acid reflux, not that it raised stomach acid. You can have acid reflux with low stomach acid, too.
But levo isn't absorbed in the stomach, it's absorbed in the gut.
thank you. Lol so stomach is separate to gut. Will defo have to start taking cider vinegar now. I am hypo so have no idea if the CV will help increase acid in stomach or gut.