Results...normal?: I was convinced that I had... - Thyroid UK

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Jellylegs11 profile image
37 Replies

I was convinced that I had problems with my thyroid. I'm exhausted all the time, I fall asleep in the day time, my sleep is disrupted, I'm anxious, I have itchy skin, constipated (but do have IBS) get brain fog, have sciatic pain and constantly thirsty and going to the toilet. I have steady weight however.

My mum has hypothyroidism

I sent off for a home test yesterday and got this result today. I was surprised I got a result at all because I really struggled to provide a sample and only filled tube to first line.

What could it be then?

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Jellylegs11 profile image
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37 Replies
Dahliasanddaisies profile image

Hi Jelly, can't see how old you are but could it be perimenopause? Lots of the symptoms overlap.

Also get your vitamins tested, could be low iron, b12, vit D

Jellylegs11 profile image
Jellylegs11 in reply to Dahliasanddaisies

Hi. I'm 41

Dahliasanddaisies profile image
Dahliasanddaisies in reply to Jellylegs11

Me too, just started HRT...

Jellylegs11 profile image
Jellylegs11 in reply to Dahliasanddaisies

Really? Gosh. I hadn't even thought. Thought I was too young 🙈 did you just go to the docs with your symptoms and they said that's what it was?

Dahliasanddaisies profile image
Dahliasanddaisies in reply to Jellylegs11

Yes pretty much, although I do also have an underactive thyroid, so it's hard to tell what's what! I would go and explain your symptoms, say you'd like your vitamins tested and that you think you might be peri (check out the Newson Heath website for more info on symptoms) - totally depends on your GP as to whether they will let you try any HRT, there is no harm really but go armed with what you want.

Jellylegs11 profile image
Jellylegs11 in reply to Dahliasanddaisies

Thank you. My mum has thyroid problems so I just linked it to thyroid but maybe I need to look at other things

Dahliasanddaisies profile image
Dahliasanddaisies in reply to Jellylegs11

Well like Greg Goose says, you need a full Thyroid panel and it could be a combo of issues (the joys of being 40!). Make sure you check out how to take the blood test correctly (ie fasted, 9am, no Biotin for 7 days)

Jellylegs11 profile image
Jellylegs11 in reply to Dahliasanddaisies

Thanks. I did the test at midnight but really struggled to get sample too. My blood kept drying on my finger and then went 'gloopy' in the sample tube.

Dahliasanddaisies profile image
Dahliasanddaisies in reply to Jellylegs11

Yeah I'm not a great bleeder either. Drink lots, shower or warm up a bit, hand in warm water, there are lots of tips somewhere...

Jellylegs11 profile image
Jellylegs11 in reply to Dahliasanddaisies

Thanks. Wish I'd come to this group earlier! You're all so helpful!

Bertiepuss profile image
Bertiepuss in reply to Jellylegs11

After my many failed attempts to get blood out I have found a method that works. Large drink of water 1 hour before. Then when ready to do the test rest your whole hand up to the wrist in a bowl of very hot water for 5 minutes so that your had goes a bit a red. That gets the blood flowing very nicely for me. If I don't do that then likely I'll stop bleeding by 3 drops.

Tinkerbell_84 profile image
Tinkerbell_84 in reply to Dahliasanddaisies

Can I ask, ive got my blood test Wednesday. And I've had to take co codamol for period pain will I still be ok to have have tests. I did see its leaves ypur system quite quickly x

Dahliasanddaisies profile image
Dahliasanddaisies in reply to Tinkerbell_84

Yeah I don't see why not! I'm not aware that painkillers affect blood tests x

Tinkerbell_84 profile image
Tinkerbell_84 in reply to Dahliasanddaisies

Thank you x

Regina66 profile image
Regina66 in reply to Jellylegs11

hello, you could also read about the difference between “normal range” of TSH which in the UK is considered to be between 1-5 mIU/L, and optimal levels, which tend to be the closest to 1 mIU/L for MANY of us! GPs won’t advise treatment or look at symptoms if you show, as you did, results within a “normal” range. I felt at my lowest with a TSH of 2.84-3 mIU/L. As previous comments, perimenopause symptoms do overlap with hypothyroidism, as the lack of estrogen/testosterone/progesterone can affect your sleep, energy levels, libido, cholesterol and iron levels, musculoskeletal function and many more.

Tinkerbell_84 profile image
Tinkerbell_84 in reply to Dahliasanddaisies

This is currently me . I'm awaiting private blood tests next week I have added the vitamins test on. Its so hard to know as everything crosses over with Perimenapause so much. I'm 39 and I've been having all these symptoms for nearly 2 years now so started when I was 37. It's so frustrating and like hitting your head against a wall as dra keep saying normal blood tests. If you need to chat we can chat privately xxx

greygoose profile image

Is that all you had tested? TSH and FT4? Well, they won't tell you much without FT3 and antibodies.

But your TSH is too high and suggesting that your thyroid is struggling. So, you really need those other results to know what's going on. :)

Jellylegs11 profile image
Jellylegs11 in reply to greygoose

Yes that's all that I received back... the attached picture and then a statement saying its all in range. I had read online that anything above 2 is 'at risk' but not sure what that means either really

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Jellylegs11

Probably means at risk of developing hypothyroidism.

Oh! I've just realised that test was done by Asda! Well, no wonder that's all you got. And pretty useless it is as well. Doesn't matter if it's 'all in-range'. That's not the point. It's where within the range that the result falls that counts, and your TSH is too high.

I hope it didn't cost you much because it really wasn't worth doing.

Jellylegs11 profile image
Jellylegs11 in reply to greygoose

Oh no! I'm such an idiot. I couldn't get an appointment and was just feeling so rubbish that I went online. It was £50. Lesson learnt. I'll try the doctors again next week

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Jellylegs11

Well, there are other places you can get full testing, as SlowDragon explains below. Doubtful you'd get full testing from your doctor or an NHS lab.

Tinkerbell_84 profile image
Tinkerbell_84 in reply to Jellylegs11

I've got mind with medicheck and they take the blood from a local superdrug. If ypu got on thyroid uk there is a discount code for 10%so I think I pay around £110. That's full thyroid test and vitamins. Xx

SlowDragon profile image

with your Mum having hypothyroidism, essential to test thyroid antibodies

For full Thyroid evaluation you need TSH, FT4 and FT3 tested

Also both TPO and TG thyroid antibodies tested at least once to see if autoimmune

Very important to test vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12 at least once year minimum

Low vitamin levels are extremely common when hypothyroid, especially with autoimmune thyroid disease

About 90% of primary hypothyroidism is autoimmune thyroid disease, usually diagnosed by high TPO and/or high TG thyroid antibodies

Autoimmune thyroid disease with goitre is Hashimoto’s

Autoimmune thyroid disease without goitre is Ord’s thyroiditis.

Both are autoimmune and generally called Hashimoto’s.

Significant minority of Hashimoto’s patients only have high TG antibodies (thyroglobulin)

20% of autoimmune thyroid patients never have high thyroid antibodies and ultrasound scan of thyroid can get diagnosis

In U.K. medics hardly ever refer to autoimmune thyroid disease as Hashimoto’s (or Ord’s thyroiditis)

Test thyroid early morning

See details here

Private tests are available as NHS currently rarely tests Ft3 or all relevant vitamins

Testing options and includes money off codes for private testing

Medichecks Thyroid plus BOTH TPO and TG antibodies and vitamins

Blue Horizon Thyroid Premium Gold includes BOTH TPO and TG antibodies, cortisol and vitamins

Only do private testing early Monday or Tuesday morning.

Link about thyroid blood tests

Link about Hashimoto’s

Symptoms of hypothyroidism

Tips on how to do DIY finger prick test

Medichecks and BH also offer private blood draw at clinic near you, or private nurse to your own home…..for an extra fee

Jellylegs11 profile image
Jellylegs11 in reply to SlowDragon

This is so useful. Thank you!

Sparklingsunshine profile image

Have you been checked out for diabetes, being thirsty, tired and drinking a lot can be classic type 2 diabetes signs. Mind you it can also be also be dozens of other things as well. My advice would be to ask GP to run bloods which will save you forking out your hard earned cash.

Pray4health profile image

You may have Hadhimoto's without Hypothiroidism. Check also the antibodies

Aj2690 profile image

I’d also suggest getting your iron, vitamin D etc checked as that can cause similar issues 😁 hope you get it sorted.

csj113 profile image

I agree with  Sparklingsunshine , get your GP to check for diabetes asap given thirst and tiredness symptoms, esp with a family history of autoimmune disease. You should be able to get a quick appointment if you mention those symptoms and say you are concerned.

I’d be asking them to check that plus: thyroid antibodies + thyroid hormones / anaemia + ferritin deficiency.

It could well be peri menopause which begins about 10 years before actual menopause but worth ruling other things out first; if your Mum had an early-ish menopause that could be an indication, but I wouldn’t say thirst was a particular symptom of peri.

Edited to add: I think it’s important to tell your GP all your symptoms and they should run a variety of tests.

Obsdian profile image

constantly thirsty and going to the toilet.

Have you been checked for diabetes?

Galadrie profile image

I don’t know if this will be of help but I have a few similar experiences. I started having similar symptoms in my early 40s, after tests I was told it wasn’t peri menopause or hypothyroidism. But was told that peri menopause can develop over many years. My mother also had hypothyroidism as in your case. About 6 years later, aged 50+ I got menopause and the symptoms subsided. But then re emerged in my 60s. I was finally diagnosed with hypothyroidism and told yes, it can be hereditary. Things are not always detectable initially, it’s advisable to get repeat tests over a period of time. If I look at my own situation it was over 20 years before I got a diagnosis though I didn’t pursue it regularly enough.

Sleepyd123 profile image

check out your parathyroids, they have many of the same symptoms,

PicantaChicken profile image

hi Jelly legs . I have had hypothyroid for years and had all of the symptoms you were describing and like you my thyroid was in a good range. I went a long time Infact years with no from answers from gp until I was so sick they did full bloods and I was diagnosed b12 deficient . Have you had a b12 bloods check ? Might be worth checking it. They should be tested routinely along your thyroid tests. I was 208 pmol/l. The thing I found is I stuck like glue to the same weight . It didn’t fluctuate and felt terrible with no explanation. I’ve been informed on this forum that gps don’t know much about b12. So it’s only when I had become deficient that they found the issue. Apparently it’s very common that drs miss the symptoms .

Jellylegs11 profile image

So small update but went to docs and they've been amazing. Doing a full suite of blood tests to check for everything... thyroid, diabetes, anaemia, vitamin deficiencies, coeliac... everything. Not got results yet but glad they've taken it seriously and checking for everything. Thanks for your help. Should have just gone to the docs from the start!

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to Jellylegs11

Come back with new post once you get results and ranges

Test early morning

Jellylegs11 profile image
Jellylegs11 in reply to SlowDragon

They took tests week Friday not got results yet. Tests were done at 6.30pm though

Jellylegs11 profile image

So results have come back as this... have been tested for diabetes too and that's come back normal. I've got an appointment tomorrow with docs to discuss results but on app it says this...

Jaydee1507 profile image
Jaydee1507Administrator in reply to Jellylegs11

6.30pm is too late for a TSH test. Highest result would have been at 9am or earlier.

I'd recommend you get a full thyroid evaluation for TSH, FT4 & FT3 along with thyroid antibodies plus ferritin, folate, B12 & D3.

Thyroid UK have a list of private blood etst companies and discount codes here:

There is also a new company offering walk in& mail order blood tests in London, Kent, Sussex & Surrey areas. Check to see if there is a blood test company near you.

Only do private tests on a Monday or Tuesday to avoid postal delays.

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