hey all me again after some advice please. So today I went for my 6 week blood tests with the nurse and I got weigh while I was there. No I knew my clothes had gotten tighter but I kind of put it down to bloating as this has been happening a lot since starting taking levothyroxine 50 however the worse was confirmed I’ve put on another 4 lbs now my diet hasn’t changed I’m still watching my calories in about 1400. Anyone else have this as a side effect of taking levothyroxine. I’m depressed as anything now. I feel like stopping as I just feel worse taking it and now this
weight: hey all me again after some advice please... - Thyroid UK

I can’t say for sure it’s a side effects but I can confirm since starting levothyroxine in April, I’ve put on just over a stone and all my clothes are tight now!
hi ,it's to soon to panic about weight gain yet .... remember that 50mcg is unlikely to be a high enough dose . so weight gain is not surprising at this point .
Get results from this blood test (with lab ranges) and post them here for further advice.
GP's should be aiming to get TSH around 1 (or below if necessary) .
If TSH still over 1 on this test , use these references to support request for dose increase to 75mcg : healthunlocked.com/thyroidu.... -list-of-references-recommending-gps-keep-tsh-lower-in-range-
This explains why TSH 'somewhere in range' is not the same as 'optimal': healthunlocked.com/thyroidu... the-shoe-size-analogy.
I wondered if it’s more to do with a undertreatment or any connection with be missing T1 and T2. If we are only taking T4, and affectingly putting our thyroid to sleep, how do we get T1 and T2? As I never suffered from bloating and constipation pre diagnosis but I have since starting Levothyroxine.
we are not missing t2 and t1 , they are made from recycled t4 (and t3... and reverse t3)
Phew! Thanks for that clarification.
Deiodinases D1 D2 D3 make t2 and t1 by removing iodine atoms.
T4 is 4 iodine atoms .
T3 is 3 iodine atoms . etc
Have a look at the Thyroid Hormone(s) section of my Vade Mecum - around page 200.
helvella's Vade Mecum document is available here:
helvella - Vade Mecum for Thyroid
The term vade mecum means:
1. A referential book such as a handbook or manual.
2. A useful object, constantly carried on one’s person.
Bobby we need carbs and calories for our body to convert t4 levo into the t3 that the cells in the body use. If we eat too few calories we can make ourselves more hypo and cause weight gain. It takes time to find the dose that's right for you .
I'm obviously not eating enough carbs......more crisps then :-).
I swear by them!!! Got to help conversion any way you can. Do you think I could get packets of kettle crisps on the NHS?
The human body does not require carbohydrates they are a non essential nutrient the body needs saturated fat and protein. I agree that restricting you daily intake to 1400 calories a day is a mistake as you are restricting the nutrients that the body needs especially saturated fat which is required for healthy hormone health. If you restrict calories over a long period of time your body just thinks it is in a state of starvation and will hang on to energy (fat) as a survival response. And no highly processed foods such as crisps are not healthy in any way.
A few things - firstly 4lbs is not a huge amount and could be daily variation / their scales / what clothes you were wearing etc.
If you know that you are gaining weight, it might not necessarily be thyroid - if you are female 48 as your profile says there may be other hormonal changes at play.
You do also need enough calories but evidence points to not all calories being equal in the way they are used or stored by your body - so eat enough but make it whole grains, fruit and veg, nuts, pulses, oily fish, full fat dairy (if eating dairy obvs - but be aware a lot of substitutes are processed and full of fillers).
Finally work on building muscle to maintain metabolism as you get older - and be aware that it can make you heavier on the scales!
Sorry but I have read everything and understand most of it !!. In my late fifties I was fit slim through the menopause with dreadful hot flashes but no weight gain . I kept myself fit going to the gym 6 days a week for years. I started to feel off and after a blood test found I had an under active thyroid , my jeans were a little tighter than usual . Now 66 years old I am three stone heavier , no matter what I try nothing works I have tried to convince my doctor that my T3 levels need to increase ,they are just in range but I have been told it's my age and to stop reading stuff on the internet . I feel depressed, embarrassed and thoroughly miserable
Nothing works because just in range is not good enough. When I raised my FT3 the weight plateaued. I’m now working towards losing it by trying to get FT3 a tiny bit higher. My FT4 also needs raising considerably but it’s tricky because I take a product that comprises of both hormones
I should add that I kept missing my sweet spot and having to go back to square one but now I have to take more Adrenavive every time I raise my dose even by the tiniest amount and it has taken months and months to get where I am and it feels as though I have many more month still to go
Should also add that sometimes it’s not just a matter of raising thyroid hormones but getting nutritional status right. I found this out to my cost. I ignored the advice on here thinking that my very good diet was enough. It wasn’t but since starting a supplement regime I feel my thyroid replacement is working more efficiently
I have taken all the supplement advice given on here . I have not heard of Adrenavive I am on Levothyroxine I have toyed with idea of purchasing T3 but my doctor will not support me in a trial even at my expense . I can not get her to understand with in range is just not good enough I have shown her articles taken from this platform but as I said I am told to stop reading STUFF on the internet
Can you see a different GP within the same surgery because following her advice will in time make you ill and perhaps fatter (and with all the associated problems that come with being overweight)
Adrenavive is adrenal support. I take the cortex-only one
I wish I could but no one seems interested I am just an over weight old woman. I lived all over the place so my GP has only known me for nine years didn't see the real me my notes never kept pace with my moves from county to country to continent , my husband was military we moved every three years . When I have mentioned the health problems associated with weight I am given I diet sheet . I never had a weight problem I worked hard at keeping in shape I know what to eat they just don't listen
😯🙂I know the feeling I'm in the process of updating my doctor about thyroid but I don't think he's listening. Lots of factors involved not just thyroid I've found vitamin supplements have made an improvement as has gluten/dairy/soya free diet I love my meat & fish good luck we're on a similar journey
I gained a lot of weight on Levo. That's because it actually makes some people, especially women, more hypo, because the body produces RT3 from it. I am now on mostly T3 and have lost 55 lbs since late March.
Can I ask you what dose you are on I am determined to try T3 no matter what my doctor says .I have read so much I have confused myself and don't know what a good starting dose is
I had actually been taking NP Thyroid for a couple months when I switched to T3 mostly. So I took one of my grains of NP Thyroid out and replaced it with 10mcg T3, and kept 1 grain of NP Thyroid. Then I went up by 5mcg T3 every 2 weeks until I got to my pretty high dose of 30mcg T3, 25mcg T3, and 1 grain NP Thyroid (plus 5mcg T3), all 5 hours apart.
NP Thyroid is something I have not come across no idea what a grain is its a never ending learning curve
There is a section Units – Grams, Milligrams and Micrograms in my Vade Mecum that explains grains. It is just an old weight measurement.
NP Thyroid is a form of desiccated thyroid (Natural Desiccated Thyroid or Desiccated Thyroid Extract).
helvella's Vade Mecum document is available here:
helvella - Vade Mecum for Thyroid
The term vade mecum means:
1. A referential book such as a handbook or manual.
2. A useful object, constantly carried on one’s person.
NP Thyroid is an NDT, I guess it's not common in the UK?1 grain = 60mg NP Thyroid which has 9mcg T3 and 38mcg T4 in it.
Just a slight warning.
One grain is actually slightly less than 65 milligrams. Some products treat one grain as being exactly 60 milligrams. Some products treat one grain as being exactly 65 milligrams.
It often doesn't matter because they are close enough - but it can confuse that it varies.
👍 excellent I'm hoping my doctor will listen to me re T3
You will likely need to find a doctor that is already prescribing it for others. I've heard it's very difficult in the UK. If you're on fb you should join The Thyroid Patients Manual group there too. There are lots of people from UK there. In my case, I'm in US, so while I did find doctors willing to script, they are all very expensive because they don't tend to take insurance. It's pretty easy for us to get T3 from foreign countries though.
Hi it’s thyroid not medication
Before I had my thyroid treated I lost 14 lbs in 3 weeks ( and I was eating 2 chocolate bars on the way home from work every day!) - it was very overactive. It took me a while to get back to my usual weight. I was also very active which might have helped the slow weight gain!
Did you get weighed on the same scales as your previous weight check? All scales are not correct. You’d think they should be but unfortunately they’re not. They are not calibrated properly, shops have to have calibrated scales by law selling weighed items. I always ensure I weigh myself on the same scales for this reason. Once my partner and I was in John Lewis. They had a display of 7 scales. We stood on each one and each one we we’re different weights, some we were both half a stone heavier. It’s the same when I get weighed by my GP or the hospital. I think they think oh well it’s near enough but for the individual who’s trying to keep their weight down it can be soul destroying. Then to the levothyroxine story both my sister and I put on 2 stone when started on levothyroxine. I did lose all that weight and more once I changed to combined T4 levo plus T3 lio treatment. My weight is still lower even though I eat what I want now. It’s definitely the introduction of T3 that’s helped me. My sister is still over 2 stone heavier even though she work’s physically hard and watches what she eats on levothyroxine only. So I do believe levothyroxine can cause weight gain. My sister is on a very high dose of levothyroxine as she had thyroid cancer and has to suppress her TSH to stop cancer returning. You’d think with a suppressed TSH she’d lose weight but it’s the opposite effect unfortunately for her.
Hi can you tell me the dose of your combined meds I want as much knowledge as I can get before I see my GP again
Hi. I’m on 68mcg liquid levothyroxine a day. And 10mcg of T3 liothyronine a day. I split both medications. Levo 34 then a further 34 a few hours later. Lio 5mcg twice a day 8 hrs apart. I find it easier on my system and smoother splitting my doses. The only negative thing I’ve noticed since introducing T3 is that my white blood count and neutrophil counts are often too low. This probably is to do with higher thyroxine in my system. White blood cells protect you against infection. I do pick up colds more often these days. While on T4 levo only my white blood cells where always normal. But I’d rather have my life back and energy taking T3 any day.
Hi Bobby. If it’s any comfort I too had weight problems which are now resolved. One of my hypo symptoms was being unable to control my weight which had gradually crept up. I was careful with my diet but it had no effect and I was concerned about too much restriction affecting nutrient intake. It wasn’t until I reached a levo dose of 100 mcg that I noticed my excess weight was going despite no change to my diet. I have now stabilised at what was my pre hypo weight having lost a stone 😊
Hi Bobby25,
I share the same feeling as you. I used levothyroxine for years, feeling uncomfortable and with a pain on my left side, where I end up getting removed a polyp and I have diverticulitis. Stopped levothyroxine and all that gone(bloating, pain and constipation). Have to restart the levothyroxine all that symptoms came again... with an incres of 2kg on my weight, like you no change in diet of food consumption. But people states that levothyroxine doesn't cause that...I know I will be in different kind the trouble if stop levothyroxine, and at same time having other consequences if taking....
Hi, i gelt quite rubbish at first when taking levothyroxine, found out im lactose and gluten sensitive, stopped all gluten, which really helped with brain fog, and bloating, then requested lactose free levothyroxine and felt a lot less symptomatic.
Hi Geegee777,
I decided to start gluten free and lactose free in April and now requested to change for lactose free and gluten free levothyroxine, the GP said to expensive, then just could prescribe teva, that is lactose free, I feel like I am feeling worse than with the brand I was before ... didn't go back to doctors yet as just 2 weeks on this one... have to see... but struggle with constipation troubling my diverticulitis...
I went on a gluten/dairy/soya free diet end of August bloating gone & feeling a lot better but still struggling with constipation, weight dropped half a stone now stuck on 12 🙄 I didn't do well on Teva so managed to get doctor to put Aristo on prescription then with advice from on here have changed it to Vencamil have yet to get it so we'll see. Trail & error good luck.
Hi, i have heard Teva brand isnt for some and causes gut problems. I did persevere as i had constipation and loose stools and low stomach acid and felt rubbish for a while. Braggs apple cider vinegar really helped ease stomach discomfort. Staying hydrated and absolutely laying off sugar, caffeine and processed food also contributed to getting me through this bumpy thyroid journey.. I am currently taking t3 alongside my levo, which is a game changer for me. 🌸🌸🌸🌸
I agree ...I had a lot of symptoms when on Levo which I went up to 200/220 dose and I put on a lot of weight every time I went on it. I stopped taking it and aching went away ... But weight stayed the same ...I didn't put any on until I went back on it .. so no matter what people say I definitely feel this contributed to my weight Increases as I never had the problem before . Now I'm trying to find the right balance on ndt as I refuse to take Levo now !!!
Hi, after being prescribed levothyroxine and being told i have a low thyroid count, i researched this issue and found thyroid uk. Followed their advice, purchased private blood test and found im a poor converter from t4 to t3. Again following advice from this forum, i requested my gp refer me to an endocrinologist from list supplied. I felt much better taking t3 alongside my levothyroxine. I had put on a lot of weight in the meantime, but was more concerned with getting better. This took me 3years of ups and downs. Now im still trying to find my sweet spot, but have noticed weight comi g off, whilst eating a keto/paleo diet. Carbs counted similar to a diabetic diet. Its working for me. I went up to 100mcg levothyroxine before taking t3, then my endo reduced to 75mcg when starting t3 combination. Presently in taking 75mcg/100mcg alternate days slongside t3 5mcg split into 3 doses. Its a long bumpy journey, but patience and thyroid uk will get you through it🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
Yes, this is how my weight started to grow when I started Levo even though I had no diet change and was exercising …. It’s crazy and doctors just don’t listen.
I think weight gain can be a symptom for both underactive and overactive thyroid, at least that’s how it is for me. If my values are not in the sweet spot (which I’m not sure what it is yet), I start to gain weight, even when keeping an eye on my diet and plenty of exercise. I don’t have a permanent solution, but for now I’m trying to figure out what optimal thyroid values are for me, but they are definitely close to the upper range. But just looking at my weight I can’t figure out if I’m hypo or hyper, other symptoms usually follow.
I definitely put on weight when I started levo including aches and pains .. each time j stopped and started again I put on weight so much so I went up 4 stone in total. I am now trying to find a happy balance on ndt .. as I have used this before and felt so much better as well as lost weight without any change in diet ...🙄 Even gp agreed it suited Me.. till they stopped making that brand ..now trying to find the right one . Again ..😭
Hi Bobby.. I 'feel' you sister. Bottom line when taking steroids is weight gain. Stay positive and believe in yourself.
There are ways to loose excess weight. Make sure that quality of life is on top of your list. Once diagnosed stay strong and regimental with blood monitoring and treatment. Taking supplements influence your wellbeing to some point.
There is a way of living with the isms we are diagnosed with. Don't live your illness.
Live your life and remember that depression is a gift of the gods.
I gained weight before diagnosis. I don’t know how much because I don’t have any scales. But I went up a clothes size and my collar bones disappeared. I then started the Levo journey. No weight loss. Extra size up tighter. Then it sorted of stayed the same. It’s taken a couple of years (sorry!) to feeling better. It seemed like everything in my body went wrong for a while. Carried on with the Levo (tried T3 for a while - no weight loss and didn’t work for me). Now I seem to be on the other side. Health, mood and energy better. Less anxious and depressed. I’ve lost weight without trying and started back at the old gym and swim. Im not as trim as I was but I’m not as fat as I got either. I think being undiagnosed for a while means your body goes wonky for a while and it just takes time to settle back down. Try not to worry. It may be that you just need to give this time. 50mcg is a very low dose and most likely nowhere near enough for you. Hope you ‘bounce back’ soon!! 😊
thank you all so much for your advice, I have what I would is a healthy diet and I exercise four times a week both strength and cardio. I just can’t seem to get a handle on it, the weight is going in without any rhyme or reason, I’m entering that phase of live as well which is what I put all this down too, maybe when I get my blood results Tuesday now they will amend the dose and it will get sorted. I’m in the uk do we do tests for tst 3 if that’s the issue and if so how would I know to ask for that? I just panicked now that if it’s going up this fast on 50 if they up it will it get worse?
Take weight before starting.
Trial going gluten-free for about 6weeks and take weight again and I hope your weight will reduce,
Maybe you can try the one spoon apple cider vinegar with water half hour before meals might help you with all your bloating and weight?