As I glumly predicted, following allergic reactions to several brands of levothyroxine, my GP has flat out refused to reissue a prescription for Brillpharma liquid levothyroxine. Cost. To get it installed as a regular prescription will require me going back to the hospital allergy department and making a fuss and get them to instruct GP.
GP have given me a paper prescription with a text message stating I should seek to find a brand 'that suits me'.
So as to jump through all the necessary boxes and tick all the necessary 'i's' (gives me more power to my elbow later) I am seeking to try wockhardt which is the only brand I haven't tried before. But after phoning 6 pharmacies (SE London) it seems that there really is a supply issue.
I got one very nice pharmacy who said they had supplies until last month and it looks like Teva have made a deal which means every one of his wholesalers has excess TEVA and no Wockhardt. Although he said it could change, but it's not looking good.
Curiously, 3 pharmacies have said Wockhardt also comes in 50mcg and 100mcg. My understanding was it only comes in 25mcg. I keep being corrected when I state this. Am I wrong?