Is all ok apart from the FSH ?
Could somebody cast an eye over my results please. - Thyroid UK
Could somebody cast an eye over my results please.

Can you add reference ranges for each test please?
What re you currently taking?
When did you last take Levo/T3 before the test, what was the timing?
Recommended blood test protocol: Test at 9am (or as close as possible), fasting, last levo dose 24hrs before the blood draw, last T3 dose 8-12 hours before blood draw & no biotin containing supplements for 3-7 days (Biotin can interfere with thyroid blood results as it is used in the testing process)? Testing like this gives consistency in your results and will show stable blood levels of hormone and highest TSH which varies throughout the day. Taking Levo/T3 just prior to blood draw can show a falsely elevated result and your GP/Endo might change your dose incorrectly as a result.
What are the latest results for ferritin, folate, B12 & D3?
Do you always get the same brand at each prescription?
Although I always ask for referance ranges they never send them !
I didn't take levo or T3 on the day of the blood draw which was taken in the afternoon. It was an afternoon apointment so I had no choice with regard the time.
Ferritin, folate -I am prescribed folic acid, B12 & D3 I am on 75mg of Levo & 20mcg of T3
I ask the pharmacy for the same brand but now I have a dosset box it is hard to tell what brand they are.
I shall have to do my own private test.
Thanks for your reply.
Its the only way to get the test you want & need is to do it privately unfortunately. Noone can tell anything much without a reference range.
Come back when you have your new results.
Recommended blood test protocol: Test at 9am (or as close as possible), fasting, last levo dose 24hrs before the blood draw, last T3 dose 8-12 hours before blood draw & no biotin containing supplements for 3-7 days (Biotin can interfere with thyroid blood results as it is used in the testing process)? Testing like this gives consistency in your results and will show stable blood levels of hormone and highest TSH which varies throughout the day. Taking Levo/T3 just prior to blood draw can show a falsely elevated result and your GP/Endo might change your dose incorrectly as a result.
You need to do the above for accurate test results.
With your current results if you hadn;t taken any T3 for more than 12 hours your result will be a false low.
Good morning,
I was also over medicated with thyroid meds ! Mine just like yours was dropped from 175mg to 75. I am no expert on blood results but yours have quite a few that are low. What I would advise instead of putting them under my post do a new one of your own. That way you will get a wider veiwing of your results and more will advise.
My thyroid meds where not decreased gradually but dropped by 100mg in one go which left me very ill. I complained about them only testing my TSH and now they do my T3 & T4.
Let others cast an eye over your results and see what others advise.
Sorry to hear your Gp is ignoring your plea's but be persistent. 😘

Its really not fair on the original poster here to piggy back on their post. I will comment on your original post.
You can always tag someone in your post to draw their attention by writing @thenthepersonsname
so sorry if I've done wrong-I am not sure how to post as me-I've only ever made a comment in response to someone else's post. I'll try and repost correctly.😧
I've just reposted under my own name! Thanks for tha advice!
You have already made your own post with this information, it is here.
To start your own post click the 'Write' button top right of screen as seen in the image below.

No no no you have done nothing what so ever wrong. I just thought by doing a post of your own more people would advise you on your results. Jaydee1507 above has given instructions on how to do a post. Bless you, I can assure you it is easy once you know how.
Take care. 💐
Jilly, did you ever find out what this was? I took am on thyroid meds (mostly T3 and a little bit of NDT) and my FSH was hugely high - 89.2. I'm trying to figure out why that would be and not having very much luck.