advice/reassurance please: Hi all. I am just... - Thyroid UK

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advice/reassurance please

Goinginsane1 profile image
15 Replies

Hi all. I am just wondering if anyone has been over medicated and had countless symptoms including heart flutters, irregular beat, swollen glands in neck and a sore throat?

I have recently reduced my thyroxine only just over a week ago and my throat and glands in neck are getting worse, it started 6-8 weeks ago which came and went but it is definitely getting worse the last few days (although other issues seem to be improving slightly).

I have been prescribed propranolol for heart and lansoprezole for high stomach acid as that’s what Dr thinks is causing the chest pain and heart problems etc.

I am trying to be patient as I know it takes time to readjust and praying it all settles down soon. I suffer with anxiety too which isn’t helping so just looking for some reassurance really I think.

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Goinginsane1 profile image
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15 Replies
Jaydee1507 profile image

heart flutters, irregular beat, swollen glands in neck and a sore throat.

All of these are hypo symptoms. Your last TSH of 1.6 was certainly not showing signs of overmedication. I know these symptoms can be confusing.

You were originally on 100mcgs levo, how much are you on now?

Did you get your GP to test ferritin, folate B12 & D3? Private tests are available, see link for companies offering private blood tests & discount codes, some offer a blood draw service at an extra cost.

Do you know if you had positive thyroid antibodies? Many with autoimmune thyroid disease aka Hashimoto's benefit from a gluten free diet. A smaller percentage of those also need to remove dairy from their diet to feel well.

Chest pain can be caused by low ferritin.

Hypo people usually have low stomach acid. Taking a PPI will lower it further and cause even more absorption issues. You can try taking something like betain with pepcin or a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar (has to include the mother, see label) in water.

Goinginsane1 profile image
Goinginsane1 in reply to Jaydee1507

my anxiety symptoms reduced significantly after a slight reduction of thyroxine in December even though TSH in range (0.6). Since lowering it again recently, my period has been 28 days instead of early like it has been the last few months, less discharge, sleeping better and a better appetite. I have already noticed these in the last week leading me to think I am/was over medicated. I also got hold of all of my blood tests since 2019 before pregnancy and my TSH was 3.2 then. When my levels have been 2 or 3 I seem to feel better 💁

My only concern is that since I’ve lowered it this time my throat has become an issue. And swollen glands in my neck and slightly sore throat.

Hoping my heart will start to get better not worse. Although this has happened since lowering it 💁

I am now taking 50mcg.

I am waiting on a blood test in a couple of weeks as they messed up the last one.

My last TSH was 1.8 (a&e on Thursday) which is up from 1.61 within 2 weeks and lowering dose in that time.

Jaydee1507 profile image
Jaydee1507Administrator in reply to Goinginsane1

50mcgs is a starter dose only. Dose should be increased stepwise with bloods every 6-8 weeks.

Its highly likely you have low vitamin levels which the PPI will make worse. Highly recommend getting vitamin levels tested and posting results here.

Aurealis profile image
Aurealis in reply to Goinginsane1

it sounds as if the reduction in December was the right thing to do. How much have you recently reduced by? Perhaps it was slightly too much? It’s always possible that sore throat and swollen glands is something else - your body’s natural response to an infection perhaps? Stability of dose if you can maintain it, might be more helpful for heart symptoms - check patient info leaflet for propranolol in case some symptoms are actually side effects. Different body systems respond to dose changes at different rates so adjustment can’t be rushed really. Good luck

Goinginsane1 profile image
Goinginsane1 in reply to Aurealis

in December I went from 100/75 alternate days to just 75.

I lowered it further about 2 months ago for a couple of weeks to 50 and felt better although my throat became a bit of an issue so I went back to 75.

After speaking with a dr and reviewing blood results from before pregnancy when TSH was 3.2. This was when I felt somewhat ‘normal’. We decided to reduce it to 50 which is what I am on now for around 10 days.

My period has been on time rather than early for the last 6 months or so this month and a few other things have improved since lowering it. My only concern is my throat becoming an issue and my heart. But I was thinking my heart was due to over medication and the lowering of dose hasn’t had time to help that yet 💁

Goinginsane1 profile image
Goinginsane1 in reply to Jaydee1507

I didn’t show any anti bodies when they did that a while ago.

Jaydee1507 profile image
Jaydee1507Administrator in reply to Goinginsane1

Antibodies can fluctuate so one test is not a guarantee you don't ever have them.

Also, the NHS only test one type of antibody. You would need to buy a private test kit to test for Thyroglobulin (TGab) antibodies which a certain group of people have.

Lalatoot profile image

Sorry to add to the confusion but I believe in being honest. All those symptoms for me were signs my dose was too low. The nice but ineffective doctors kept me undermedicated for 4 years and during that time I had palpitations, high resting heart rate, gut problems, anxiety and panic attacks, sore throat, kept losing my voice, shoulder pains, breast pains.

In an effort to get better and blaming levo, I reduced my levo from 100mcg gradually down to 25mcg a day. I felt fantastic..............for 3 months. Then reality hit and I was very hypo and very ill - Tsh in the 40s and ft4 and ft3 under range.

Please check your thyroid blood levels ft4 and if poss ft3 to see what your thyroid hormone status is. Testing tsh alone is not a sound basis for dosing - it is only one element of the thyroid loop and it could be the one that is out of kilter.

Alanna012 profile image

I hope your feeling of wellness really does continue Goinginsane1. Reducing the levo may possibly be right for you. We are all very individual.

That said, I mostly agree with Lalatoot, because I've done it too, reduced levo or even stopped it cold turkey and felt initially much better each time. Until having a real fallout later.

We have a hormone feedback mechanism. A low dose of hormone can make you feel better because you are not necessarily taking enough to limit your own thyroids production of thyroid hormone drastically. So you feel better initially reducing, or even amazing. It will take months for the effect (if there are any in your case) to become evident.

The issue becomes at the higher doses of levo (usually the 'magic' 75mcg in a lot of people) then the levo is suppressing your own body's production of thyroid hormone, but not enough to replace it sufficiently so you feel awful and possibly even more symptomatic than when you had just a starter dose of thyroid hormone.

That's why people talk about finding the sweet spot. That's the point at which symptoms are resolved and stay that way because you are suppressing your own hormone production, but also giving your body enough of the hormones it needs.

Essentially a small dose of hormone can leave you hypothyroid

And a higher dose that doesn't sufficiently replace the amount of hormone your body produces can leave you hypothyroid.

It can be difficult to find the spot that helps and with levo some people need more and some people people less and some find they can't get on with it.

Anyway, I do sincerely hope that in your case, this dose is all you need and it remains simple. I certainly wish I could get on with a low dose of levo only. I have met people who do and are relatively well, I hope you're one of those.

Goinginsane1 profile image
Goinginsane1 in reply to Alanna012

thank you. I hope so too. But it is so difficult to know what to do for the best and proving even more difficult to find the right ‘spot’ since having a baby 20 months ago. I’ve lost a lot of weight and have an A4 page long list of symptoms. Since lowering is recently some of my symptoms have eased or gone or swollen fingers especially at night, sleeping better, period is normal (first time in months), less discharge, and my constant back mid back I’ve had since November has eased too.

However, my heart and throat have become an issue 💁

Maybe I should go back on the pill as when I took that with 100 levo I felt somewhat ‘normal’. I suspect that not being on the pill now is playing a part in all of this too.

Aurealis profile image
Aurealis in reply to Goinginsane1

Maybe that is your quickest solution for you, if you’re happy to do so. In the past I found that the pill had a stabilising effect - I understand it leads to an increase in protein in the blood which is used to carry both hormones and t4.

Manycrafts profile image
Manycrafts in reply to Goinginsane1

I lost tried hard and lost 2 stones in weight 12 months ago and that caused my thyroxine dosage to be too high so they lowered it from 125 to 100. I then put a stone back on due to the endocrinologist being c oncerned at my weight loss and then me trying to see if I could put weight on again! I've got a grip again now and hope to lose more of the weight I need to lose. However I think my dose is too low now as I feel weak in my arms and have started to get a bit breathless doing little and I get very tired. My skin has become very dry.

arTistapple profile image

Just had to read your previous posts as the advice given here seems to be from both ends of the spectrum. It’s easy to get ‘all over the place’ with one’s thyroid medication. I have done it myself even although I have taken great care. Your previous posts look like you might be being treated rather haphazardly. Sounds like your GP is not particularly knowledgable and clutching at straws, which is what they do. Having had a baby 20 months ago is almost certain to cause huge upheaval in your thyroid levels. I think you need some really good testing and come back with your results. Sounds like TSH is really taking a more important role than it should. You have been being treated for a long time but having a baby is a big disruptor in one’s life without adding thyroid issues in the mix!! Propanalol and PPIs at best could temporarily mask useful symptoms and measures of health and thyroid meds. Female hormones are important but thyroid (in my opinion is more important). Thyroid should be dealt with first and foremost. Heart and anxiety symptoms are therefore more important than regular periods; although they are all likely involved along the way. A full, up to date thyroid panel with vitamins, ferritin etc would be much more useful! P.S. heart symptoms and anxiety are equally likely to be due to under medication as over medication. Hence the need for the above mentioned testing.

Goinginsane1 profile image
Goinginsane1 in reply to arTistapple

thank you. I have. A blood test a week ok Tuesday. I have requested a full thyroid panel but the dr said it’s down to the lab whether they do it or not. She is checking a number of other things too. Will see what that comes back with and then I will consider a private blood test I think if it doesn’t cover everything. So frustrating. I have high stomach acid. Dr thinks this could be causing the chest discomfort and heart issues, although the ecg didn’t show anything the other day. Too much stomach acid can be a symptom of too much thyroid hormone I am lead to believe?

arTistapple profile image

I would urge you to pay privately for anything the doc does not/will not check. T3 and T4 levels particularly. They really do not understand the importance of hormone levels and work with TSH virtually only. This does not give you anything like the full picture. The sense of too much stomach acid is exactly the same as too little. This was a complete surprise to me but I have found it to be true! I know I am under medicated when I have to deal with this symptom. PPIs can make this worse and they mess about with your absorption of your meds. In the short term, until you get your meds straight you might try milk thistle. It’s not pleasant or unpleasant. Docs are happy to have ‘something’ to reach for their prescription pads. Anything but treat hypothyroidism with the care necessary to make things better for us. It’s a faff but vegetable juice e.g. celery juice. If you have a food processor just crush/whip/mash the celery and sieve/drain it and drink the juice it can help deal with heartburn or reflux. Otherwise eat lots of salad leaves, celery, - green things. Repeatedly!

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