Nightshift work while taking Levothyroxine.
I have been struggling with working night shifts and have researched this. What I have found out is that while taking Levothyroxine medication it isn’t best to work nightshift. Nightshift working upsets not only your body clock but almost every system in your body. So for me personally I can’t take a rest/sleep before starting my first night shift, so that alone exhausts me. My next problem is that I can’t switch off and sleep during the day. Then I have to get up and go to work a 12hrs night shift alone, already exhausted and fatigued so it’s a struggle both physically and mentally. Also I was told years ago at my GP surgery that I should not be working night shifts while on Levothyroxine (I’m on it for life as I had radioactive iodine treatment as originally I had hyperthyroidism when I was diagnosed with Graves’ disease.)
When at my most recent visit to my GP surgery we had a new GP and I’d spoke about the challenges and difficulties I face trying to work nightshift. He pretty much shrugged his shoulders and said “if everyone was signed off nightshift, half of the workforce would be off”. Well I’m sorry but half of the workforce do not have thyroid problems.
This is what I meant about not being listened to. Perhaps if they could go through the treatment like I did and go to my work for a night shift then they might have a better understanding of what I struggle with.
“Everyone struggles with working night shifts but it’s well known that it’s even harder for people who are taking Levothyroxine.”